Gall bladders and dumpsters. Heh heh.

Time: 11:06 am
Listening to:  Computer humming & IM buzzing
Wearing:: Light blue plaid pajamas and a vibrant periwinkle Fishing For the Big One- Lake Texoma short sleeved pj shirt.
Last ate:: Dinner last night was a banana blueberry vanilla protein shake
Woke up:: 10:32

I had a really good day at dance yesterday.  I don’t know why… I got yelled at, me and Jordan for playing catch with our feet.  But hell, it was hard- I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it, but aiming is damn near impossible.  The kid’s a little monkey, and I was really hyper.  O.o 
And then I tried to throw out the trash (like I usually do), but the dumpster-ass-people closed the fucking top of the dumpster on me, so both bags of trash landed on the top- not in the dumpster.  I was like DAMMIT.  And the dumpster’s a whole hell of a lot taller than me, but I managed to get one of them off and thrown into the dumpster.  Yay!  ::Claps::  But, the other bag I’d miraculously landed right in the middle of the closed dumpster top.  So it’s pretty funny, because the dumpster is right outside of my studio’s door.  Every time I walk in or out (hell, everytime I sit at my desk) I can admire my handiwork.  LMAO  It makes me happy.  My director hasn’t seen it yet though.  Heh heh.
My brother just got out of surgery, we just got a call from him.  His damn intestines and gall bladder and shit.  We don’t really know, but scar tissue built up in his intestines from his last surgery, and he’s a mess right now but he’s doing better.  My mom is a wreck.  She’s been all teary-eyed all day… but I feel more sorry for my brother.  o.o  We think he’s ok now, but… it’s still up in the air.  It’s kinda scary.
Ummm… life’s still treating me ok.  I’m still really torn about Randy.  One day I think "I’m OVER it" and the next I hear a particular song and the tears just start streaming down my face.  I guess this is a necessary stage.  I don’t like it though.  It makes me too unpredictable.  ::scowls::



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May 9, 2007

Is your brother okay from the surgeries now? Why did he have the original surgey? That milkshake sounds interesting. Is it as good as it sounds? Catch with your feet? Neva tried it. lol. Dumpsters are hard enough to get those lids up for 5’8″ me, I can only imagine 5’2″ 1/2(yes, HALF) you. 😉 That sounded hilarious. Did your director ever see it?