Galactic Christmas Battles. (& me pic)

So, last night on my Christmas Tree I put up:

  • Luke Skywalker
  • Yoda
  •  C3PO
  • Qui-Gon Jinn (amazing worksmanship)
  • Padme (gun-slingin’)
  • Queen Amidala
  • Obi-Wan (old)
  • a Naboo Starfighter
  • a TIE bomber (the cockpit lights up)
  • Darth Vader- my personal favorite cuz when you turn on the tree lights (!!!) you hear *Vader breathing* then "The Force is strong with you, young Skywalker.  But you are not a Jedi yet"  *Vader breathe out"

It’s so BALLIN!
And a few nights ago I put up

  • Anakin Skywalker,
  • Princess Leia, and
  • a stormtrooper.
    They’re all my babies.  ::smiles brightly::

Currently on my Christmas tree, Qui-Gon is attempting to block laserfire from the Naboo fighter and Obi Wan is easily deflecting blaster fire from the stormtroopers E-11 EE-3.  It’s been so long I barely remember my weaponry.  It’s Boba Fett that handles the E-11.  *Sigh*

It’s rather boring  though- The tree misses my brother’s athlete figurines (my bro isn’t going to be here for Christmas this year  )… like Mark McGwire and Emmit Smith and all those people I don’t remember.  Every year there are galactic Christmas battles between the wimpy athletes of America  and the heroes of Star Wars. 
Every year, Star Wars kicks ass.  ^_^  Case closed!


I did 7 pirouettes an hour ago!  It’s such a great feeling to spin and spin and not stop, hehe!
Here’s another random pic of me (this is def. my favorite non-dancing pic)
I’m wearing my favorite colors and you can see my krazee ass style… 

Just don’t stare at my eyes too long.  
They might hypnotize you or something.
QUESTIONS:  A)  Do I look I’d be a complete SW nerd?
B)  Do I look anything like anyone expected me to look after reading a few of my entries/looking at my interests?
Just wondering.  ^_^


†    INMATE    †

Wearing::  Maroon w/ a forest green sports bra to cover what the leotard DOESN’T, and black bell-bottomed jazz pants with Vans.  Tee-hee.
Last ate::  Stir fry!  Mmmmm!
Feeling::  Satisfied!  : D


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December 13, 2006

A few things. 1.) Can we get pictures of your tree? =) 2.) No, you don’t look like an SW nerd. You look like a dancer. And most of the time, those two things are mutually exclusive. 3.) I can see why you like the red and black. It flatters you. 4.) How long can I look before I’m hypnotized? And what will you do with my comatose form afterward?

December 13, 2006

1.) Awww. I would very much like to see that. Because there’s no way in hell my parents would let me deck out the tree SW-style. 2.) Confusing is good, as long as you’re honest as yourself. =) 3.) You’re quite welcome. 4.) Okay, I’ll try. *times self* Nice eyes… very………I am in your power…

December 13, 2006

RYN: *returns the hugs* More than happy to. =)

December 13, 2006

RYN: Well, yes, they should, but they don’t. When I’ve got my own place, I’ll fly you in to deck my tree out properly. Deal? =)

December 13, 2006

RYN: I’m a Trekkie. Does that explain it better? :p And, I see you’re an ICP fan. A good friend of mine is. While it’s not my kind of stuff, she really likes it. *shrugs* As for how you look, I’ve learned not to judge by looks. But you are quite the looker. And, I have no idea what a “SW” nerd is. I know was a nerd looks like….. *glances in mirror* Thanks for the note.

December 13, 2006

RYN: Come on, share your vision. What are you picturing? How are you gonna deck out my tree? =)

ryn: thanks for the vote, i like the observation about it being farther away. =) so far its door1=0 door2=1 lol. nice pic too.

December 13, 2006

RYN: You mean the Ch’hala trees that gave Thrawn all his inside info?

December 13, 2006

RYN: You draw too?

December 13, 2006

RYN: Thrawn rocks everyone’s socks. It’s what he does. =) And I’d leave you my email if you allowed private notes, my sweet. Or wandered onto AIM. =)

December 13, 2006

SW=Star Wars….lol dude… i like your striper shoes in the picture…Lmfao XD!

December 13, 2006

RYN: Peace to you as well. May the Force be with you. =)

December 13, 2006

RYN: I like SW, too. It’s not as important to me as ST, but I enjoy it. As for music, I like anything. I currently have DragonForce, Johnny Cash, Green Day, Futuristic Sex Robots, some classical, and a J-pop CD in my streo. What does that tell you? adios.

December 13, 2006

sounds like you have a lot of fun on christmas 😛 i had to decorate mine all by myself cuz no one wanted to help me out…man i WISH i could do 7 pirouettes…the most i’ve ever been able to do is 3…i was NEVER good at my turns…

December 13, 2006

RYN: i know, i love prodigy…and WAL-MART is the best place to go…everytime i go there whether i should or not i always have to buy something…hehe…the latest i’ve ever been there is 4 in the morning…there was nobody…i loved it 🙂

December 13, 2006

Storm troopers are soooo sexy. I want a full life size one!! Hehehe.

ryn: i sure will post which decision gets chosen…as well as what it actually is =) so for its door 2 winning. bty thats cool you dance…i cant dance for i have 2 left feet…so i guess iam dance challenged. have a good day!

*giggles* I think its safe to say you’re beyond obsessed. *giggles again* IT’s cool, though. You’re very pretty.

December 14, 2006

Umm, boring tree? Yours is jampacked with action! The most action mine will see is the Candiens-hockey team ornaments I bought my bf. Otherwise, it’s all snowflakes and girly-ness.

December 14, 2006

Great picture. You look a little like I had assumed.Very attractive indeed. Possibly the coolest Christmas tree ever. RYN: I wish I could say I had a better education but I left in the ninth grade and even before that the school I attended was terrible. ~DK

December 14, 2006

RYN: 3PO? =)

December 14, 2006

RYN: I was kidding, my sweet! I knew you had a Fettish. =) While I also have a great love of the Fett, my favorite original film characters have to be Vader and Obi-Wan. The epitome of evil cool and the pinnacle of the Jedi. And there’s always Admiral Ackbar. =) But I also have several faves from the Expanded Universe… Scout, Thrawn, Exar Kun, Kir Kanos, Tahiri, Garm Bel Iblis…

Your Star Wars obsession has officially granted you access to the crap that is my diary. Welcome.

December 14, 2006

To answer your questions: (1)NO! You do NOT look like a StarWars Nerd. Quite the opposite. As for (2) Not exactly as I had initially imagined. I figured you were “perdy”, but WOW!!! I think it totally kicks ass that it’s YOU who is the SW fan who fights the weak, meek, & mild athelete’s @ Xmas, and not the other way around. RYN: Thanks for the advice on nursing my ankle. Much Juggalo Love!

December 14, 2006

Hey! I just remembered this, seeing as you’re such a StarWars fan. Go to & search for “Star Wars Comedy”. I just checked it. It is 16th from the top or 5th from the bottom. It’s a comedy in which the Darth Sidious gets a phone call from Darth Vader after the Rebels blow up the Death Star. It’s HILARIOUS!!! You’ll love it.

December 14, 2006

dude i love me some stripper shoes…lmfao i want to wear a pair to my brothers wedding…so how much for a lap dance LMFAO XD!

December 14, 2006

RYN: i know i love Cypress Hill! i know i want to get a lot of presents…cuz i’m spending like all of my money to buy christmas presents for everybody…well, anyway, i barely started dancing when i got to high school…then i stopped once i graduated…i just figured i wasn’t good enough to make a whole career out of it like you’re going to…

December 14, 2006

Your tree sounds really cool. It’s awesome to find another female Star Wars fan. 😀 And I love your shoes in that picture.

ryn:thanks 2 for the notes!appreciate the lessons on dancing but iam a lost cause…the only time i was in such fluid “dance” type movements was when i fell down the stairs and took out the corner furniture thing. and your right about the love andpain thing, i have always wondered about that and the corelation between the two. and appreciate the walk through cemetery, its a really old one and

there are some really neat mausoleums dating back to the 20-30’s.iamnot sure if your into cemeteries but id recommend”stories in stone” by keister,its like a field guide to symbolism and iconography and has tons of info.i had wanted to design my own stone but have given up on it and will take the route of cremation and have ashes scattered out west in badlands of south dakota. as for color scheme

its was close to mcD’s and have reverted back to the drab and blues… so when are you going to post pics of the SW tree??? i was going to wrap lights around my fireplace since iam not putting a tree up this year but still have not done so… anyways i guess i have scribbled too take care and keep dancing. (the one pic of you bent backwards made my back hurt…lol)

Hell yes!! Aries girls RULE!!! Hehehe. I know I’m cute. But you’re cute too…so, it’s all good!

December 15, 2006

ryn: thank you and lol, no, no and you nice. take care, bri

December 15, 2006

crap, can’t remember what the questions were.

December 16, 2006

RYN: I do like cypress hill…not all of it but a few songs. I like when Ice Cube does stuff with them.

December 16, 2006

Starwars is really cool. I like Starwars too. And no you haven’t, but it is a very nice picture. I don’t know you enough to have a visual of who you could be on the other end, but Iam one of those people who will try to get a vision of who i’m talking to. see you later.

December 17, 2006

wow, you look very cute! if i were a lesbian, watch out!! 😉 sounds like things are going good, take care!

RYN: ugh i hate the snow… at the concert it was my chemical romance, red jumpsuit apparatus, and rise against it was good, but i think i’d enjoy a more mellow group of bands

May 7, 2007

And DAMN! Look at that hot hot body. WOW! You are smokin’ here. Dammmmmnnn. And yes, too late, I am already hypnotized. 😉 I’m all yours, baby. 😉 😉 a) no, but hopefully neither do I. Nobody knows I’m a comic geek. 😉 b) Well, I seen ya before, but I am drooling again. 😉