FYI: Bronchitis+Stress=Bad Juju.

The past week I’ve spent practically stuck in bed, alternating between convulsing with cold or burning with fever.  106 degree temperatures are not fun.  Fact: 104 aren’t really fun, either but they’re completely manageable. 
It got so bad my mom finally took me to the Urgent Care place…  I’m recovering from bronchitis.  Today is the first day my violent shaking didn’t wake me up.  It was great.  My temp at the moment is back to normal… (for me anyway) at 97.4. 

Told my parents I was bulimic.  I figure that had a lot to do with it.  This illness should NOT have been this bad if I were healthy but honest… I was so weak physically and mentally that it just wiped me OUT.  Ugh.  Never again.  Nuh-UH!

Kelly’s surgery is today… I think it’s happening now.  Stupid military transportation almost made him miss it again but the docs allowed him to come in late.  WHEW.  Still praying though… who knows what could happen…

I miss dancing SO much.  I think my body is disintegrating by now.  It feels all weak and stuff.  Ewie.

But there’s a lesson to be learned in everything, right?  Absolutely everything. 
I have had way too much time to think and stare at the wall.  Well, my closet doors are at the foot of my bed.  My room is about the size of a soap box. 
I just got distracted and forgot what I was talking about.  Oh well.

I just wanted to report in and say that there was almost brain damage but I’m still here.  I can’t wait until I can catch back up into y’alls lives.  I miss y’all. 
I’m totally ready to turn this shindig around. 
Hopefully Spring Break I can get everything back into gear.

Have a good one.  : )


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March 5, 2008

I hope you feel better soon. ~DK

March 5, 2008

Sweet sassy molassey… honey, you need to take better care of yourself. *hugs*

March 5, 2008

Wow… I hope you feel better and I hope Kelly’s surgery goes okay.

March 5, 2008

icky i hope you feel better and i hope kelly is okay

March 5, 2008

I’m praying for you and your man hun! *huggles* Feel better fast!

March 5, 2008

Bless your sweet heart. It seems you’ve been sick for a while now..I hope you get better soon. 🙂 Please try and take care. You’ll be in my thoughts. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

March 5, 2008

Oh, dear, take good care of yourself. I’m thinking of you with much love and sending you lots of healing energy.

March 9, 2008

Hope the survery went well and I’m glad you told your parents. Its a step in the right direction!

March 10, 2008

Holy shit, everyone’s getting hit hard. Get well, babeh. (Though you probably are by now). <3