Friends, Strangers & Dogs. : )

Midnight-0200 on Monday, I was riding with Jeana and a sacked out Mexican in the back to their college dorm several cities away.

I’d been reluctant to go (we’d planned this trip for a while) because I was sick… but James (the aforementioned sleeper ) called me at 2200 to convince me to come.  Eventually they bribed me with cookies.  And so I went.  I’m so glad I went.

I found it a little curious staying in a dorm because I don’t go to college.  So many times, I wish I do but I don’t.  It was interesting psychologically.

I was working out and stretching early on Monday, waiting for everyone to wake up, when the main room door opens and a very pretty, very massive black man wanders in.  Now, I’ve met him briefly, once, but that didn’t help me get over the fact that I was in my pjs and hadn’t even washed my face yet.  Apparently I scared HIM.  Riiight.

Almost an hour later, he looks up from the paper he was writing and asks, "Were you STRETCHING when I came in?  What were you doin’ that for?"    …WELL

Jeana & I went to the outlet malls that day.  I went on a small shopping spree, which was amazing, because I typically detest shopping (which SUCKS because one of my biggest failures is that I own very few articles of clothing that FIT me anymore…). 
I even bought this krazee skirt… it’s red plaid and black… and definitely the shortest thing I’ve ever even tried on.  It’s adorable but as I was twirling around in the dressing room watching it go VWOOM, Jeana grabs my shoulders and says, "Uh-uh.  [Inmate] NO.  When you wear this, which I will make sure you do because it is the cutest thing I have ever seen you wear, you are wearing BOOTY SHORTS UNDER IT!" 

Side note:  I have a tiny issue… about guys working in the dressing room of a mostly girl store… and showing me to my dressing room… especially when they are gorgeous.  Mucho disconcerting.
I walked out of the dressing area, dazed, and told Jeana, "Pretend I didn’t look, but he has a really nice ass."
She laughed, looked at the guy standing in the doorway, took me away and said, "No worries, the feeling was apparently mutual." 

That night I bought Jeana more cookie supplies and made her make M&M cookies.  Definitely my favorite.  YAY! 

And Jeana yelled at me many times because any spare time I had I spent cleaning her dorm.  When she woke up Wed. morning and found me doing dishes, she said something along the lines of, "Dammit, [Inmate], your OCD ass does not have to clean the fucking dishes, nor clean the fucking sink, it’s going to get fucking dirty again in 15 seconds and besides-"
I broke in her colorful rant and said pointedly, "Where do these dishes go?"
She sighed heavily.  "In the box under the food table."
"Thank you!" 

As far as my Thanksgiving went (hopefully y’alls was BUENO!)… the food was great.  My dad made chicken to die for.  And I make amazing pumpkin pie if I’m allowed to say so.  Kelly was upset I made one without him here, so I promised to make him a pie when he comes on leave for Christmas, lol.    All day long after that he texted me, bragging about the pie I was going to make him. 

My grandparents got lost coming to our house… even though they’ve been here at least 10 times.  I had to run a few blocks trying to find them and stood at a random street corner with people having a party across the street and staring at me.  O.O
I made friends with some neighborhood dogs (we have a dog problem- a lot of them are vicious):  A large, large dog whom I like very much and a yappy chihuahua that I was debating on picking up and chucking over the nearby barbed wire fence as it ran around my ankles, biting at them.

Eventually, my grandparents and some random couple came driving down the road at about 14 mph (at least, that’s the speed she drove all the way to my house).  Alllllways colorful. 

Jeana’s B-day is tomorrow.  I have to brave Black Friday to go find her a present.  She’s 20.  Holee shit.  No longer a teenager.  o.O  Seems so weird.  Seems like yesterday that we were fighting the system in middle school by hosting pow-wows in the middle of the hallway… but it seems like she’s always driven a truck and been in college and wanted a family.  Ah well.
I turn 20 in just under five months. 


Wearing::  Dark blue star pj pants, blue t-shirt.
Feeling::  Pretty good.  The past few days have boosted my morale. 
Last ate::  Crunchy protein cereal in my hazelnut coffee.
Listening to::  News.

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November 23, 2007

gobble gobble hunny

November 23, 2007

It sounds like you had a phenomenal holiday. Yay!

November 23, 2007

Sounds like a good time!

November 23, 2007

I pretend to kick our chihuahua’s like rubgy balls…Bribed with cookies??? Hold out for 2 boxes of scooby snax next time!!!

I totally understand about the guys working in a girly store … but they’re (almost) always PRETTY 😛

November 23, 2007

Glad your morale has been given a boost. =) This all sounds like a fun adventure!

November 23, 2007

I hate not being a teenager anymore >.< 'Tis the suck. OUTLET MALLS!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY! I LOVE OUTLET MALLS I WANT TO GO TO ONE NO FAIR =( I get to go to the Flea Market, which is kinda like an outlet mall, but, like… not…. lol

November 23, 2007

Glad your week turned out good. Chicken 2 die 4? Sounds great! I had chicken wings yesterday; Teriyaki! It’s not Thanksgiving here. Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October, not sure Y, but it has something 2 do w/ the pilgrims getting lost ‘cuz the men refused 2 ask directions 2 the U.S. Happy Birthday 2 your gal-pal. My B’day’s next Thursday. Same day I gotta move! 🙁 Talk 2 ya L8er! 🙂

November 24, 2007

We definitely have established you can be bribed by cookies. lol. It would probably take me a lifetime supply bribe, tho. If even that. lol. Just my luck….lol. It’s all good. Glad your spirits seem up & you seem to be doing better. Go you! 🙂 {X}

November 26, 2007

” I have a tiny issue… about guys working in the dressing room of a mostly girl store… and showing me to my dressing room… especially when they are gorgeous. Mucho disconcerting” hilarious!!! 🙂