For the General ADD public…

I received my inspiration for this from the Ensor’s diary.
SINCE the majority of the population is stricken with ADD due to excessive television watching and GO GO GO syndrome…

Whether you are a new or old favorite or a reverse favorite… this is for you


Inmate’s signature dance move?

My notorious fashion statement?

My favorite choreographer?

While I’m on that… the most gorgeous (not to mention talented) man alive?

NOOOO, I don’t want to move on yet…   I want to stare at Shane’s picture some more…
FINE!  Dammit… ::wipes up drool::
::moves on::

Favorite handgun?

My favorite time of day?

Favorite Star Wars character?

My dream car?



If you have any questions that are answerable in pics, leave ’em!
I’ll add ’em!!
This is such a GREAT way to waste my time!! 
Peace and health—-

†   INMATE   †

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May 15, 2007

I inspired this? Yay!

May 15, 2007

Awesome car. 😉 And are you Han or Luke disguised as one or just a drone? lol.

May 15, 2007

ryn: Weird. I never see myself on the front page. 😉 Look forward to your answers. 😉 And you are going to post it on here, right? 😉 I don’t want just the score, I want answers. 😉 lol.

May 15, 2007

I gotta see what you haven’t seen & recommend it or invite you over to watch. 😉 lol. Chucky. You gotta at least see the 1st one with me. I’ll hold you & protect you from him. 😉 lol. Have you watched the Ewok movies?

May 15, 2007

I was asking which storm trooper you’d be? The hero or the soldier(drone/fodder/clone/chess piece/red shirt/jabroni) drone= basic storm trooper. Mindless clone or servant of work. lol. Why are they your favorite? The cool design? 😉 I wish I would have known, I would have given ya this cool air brushed design shirt I just sold. It was bad ass, but a tad 2 big 4 me. It could have been ur nightie 😉

ryn: hey, thanks. ^_^ yeah i think i’ve heard of the song or something. if you search for it on youtube they have a video but people are saying that manson didn’t sing it and it was some other band that sung it. if i find the link i’ll give it to you. anyways, have a good one. buh-bye ^_^

here’s the link:, yeah they’re saying the band who sings it is dope. i dont know. so confusing. =) they sound alike to me!

May 15, 2007

ryn: Royal Guards are more kick ass. I agree. I bought as many as I could when the new toys were released. But I bought WAYYY more Storm Troopers. It’s funny. I always thought I’d do a display, but now am stuck with HUNDREDS of figures from 1995. As they got better, I couldn’t afford them, so I had to stop. I still gotta lot. You want some? Come get some. lol. And I have no clue who you are talkin

May 15, 2007

i like those glasses-=steals,pets in cornor=-

May 15, 2007

WTF is up with their dick protectors??? I always liked them too…I remember this hella smart nerdy dude that usta baby sit us having all the OG star wars figures back in the day

May 15, 2007

My signiture is my drunk white ass trying to C walk…or my 2 step shuffle…& cartwheels that look f*cking stupid…coz Im drunk *lol* I could put it all up on youtube 1 day…theres an idea…

May 15, 2007

*signiture dance move that is…Oh yeah, put up pix of the 1st thing you think of when you think of each of ur favs???

May 15, 2007

I’m a little shocked that your favourite weapon was a handgun, though impressive (& it was pointed at my head- I had 2 duck under the desk 4 fear it may go off accidentally.I was stuck under there 4 the better half of an HR, B4 I realized it was a photograph.-Oops! But what’s your fave axe of choice? I’ve always been partial 2 the 3lb. 1 in ea.hand,I could B slicin’ nuggets off all day long!Peace

May 16, 2007

Hey, if X-Plosion doesn’t want all those troopers, I’d gladly take them off his hands. =)

May 16, 2007

I love the car. Whats your favorite kind of doggy?

May 16, 2007

RYN: *whips out a water gun with a two-gallon backpack* Don’t sing it, bring it, sweetness. =)

May 16, 2007

rYn: The Glock IS nice, I have 2 admit, & Desert Eagle- c’mon- No contest! Violent J had 2 in “Big Money Hu$tla’s”, but the one I’d like to try, is an armour-piercing .50cal sniper rifle that I saw on the Discovery Channel. The thing can demolish a cinder block wall AND hit it’s target from almost five miles away (or something incredible like that), plus it has absolutely no kick to it. Cool huh?

May 16, 2007

Is that a McClaren? The sports car, I mean? My dream car is still a common Chevrolet Corvette. When I can get one of those, I will know then that I have truly made it. 🙂

May 16, 2007

Thanks, sweetheart. 🙂 If someone cosigns for you, don’t buy much. Buy like a pack of gum & pay the balance off when you get it. I’ve done the debt thing, too & it sucks. Without the miracle of buying a house in AZ before the boon, due to school loans & my wrestling company, I’d still be in the tens of thousands worth of debt. So, definitely it can be dangerous. Just use it to build credit.

May 16, 2007

p.s. You said “Blasphemy!” I just said that literally minutes before to my bro. lol. And yes, I think the pic came out pretty good, but like my other gorgeous friend I have drawn online, her name begins with a “K”, it helps to have friends who are absolutely beautiful. 😉 wink wink.

May 16, 2007

dude i was in my school newspaper doing the k-kick which later became my best move and signature

May 16, 2007

RYN: You thieved my pants? Holy monkeys. You ARE ninja.

May 17, 2007

I love break dancing…and Star wars. Just a random hit…thank you for the normal background and not some vomit induced scenery. xx

This was cute. I want to see a pic of your wallet.

May 17, 2007

RYN: thanks for your note, and you’re probably right. my heartrate hasn’t been nearly that high in the past 5 times i’ve checked it. haha. btw, i saw the pics in the entry you linked on your fp. intense. i wish i could dance that well. -£-

May 22, 2007

Inmate be SO shiny. xD With all her gadgets, and pretty people. Her harem. YOU HAS A HAREM, fTW? XD