|For the Favorites. ^_^

Responding to a prompt from a favorite noter of mine (revealed later):
"What is the first thing (in pictures) that comes to your mind when you think of each of your favorites?"

(Feel free to aim a punch my way but understand that I can’t control my mind  and neither can you!)


Sorry man, (not that it’s a bad thing, note!) but…  

I think of whales.  Big whales, small whales, jumping whales… my thoughts on this matter might be influenced by the whole Navy thing, LOL.  o.O



I might be deserving a good punching for this one too but that’s alright, I’m good at running.  This is what I think of when I think of you, girl-

Sanrio… the whooole family.  I’m not sure why…
(Badiz Maru and Pochacco are BAD ASS though!)



James Ensor-

I think of traveling through hyperspace (nerd convention anyone?).  And the Millenium Falcon is in here because we have a tendency to get on a Star Wars topic as if it were leading us with a carrot like horses.



Kit Cat-
I can’t lie and pretend that when I briefly and initially think of you…

I think of anything but the notorious Kit Kat bar.  XD  At least they’re tasty!



Squeamish?  I hope not because then this won’t be as awesome as it really is –

The INFAMOUS black widow.



I don’t know the meaning behind this one either.  Must be the Super, which leads to Superhero, and just knowing you that brings this picture to mind when I think of ya-

A pink cape!  (Minus the underdress, thank you.)



You’re just always fighting for what you believe in. 

Thus… the AK-47




Ooh wee, man.  You’re gonna have a riot with this one–

Yep.  That IS a rollercoaster.  ::whistles nonchalantly and slooowly walks away::



The brilliant mind that told me to do this in the first place (Yay!).  ^_^  When I think of you I think of…

The rainforest.  Must be instigated by your wild side.  Or maybe because I have this weird idea in my head that New Zealand is just a bunch of trees.  LOL.  Who knows!



Umm.  Yes.  This one is a BIT weirder than the others.

I don’t know.  I typed ‘living room’ in Google and thought this room was pretty bad ass.  And there’s even water outside, isn’t that nifty?  But ANYWAY, I think of a tv and couches and stuff.  *Shrug*  I look forward to your comments on THIS one, LOL.


Peace and health all, and to all a good fucking night!

†   INMATE   †

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May 17, 2007

Love it. Punch it, Chewie!

May 17, 2007

I WISH my living room looked that good & was near a body of water. 😉 Thank you, I think I got off easy on this one.—no sexual comments, either, even tho I deserve it there. lol ryn: Yes, I HAVE to be careful for sure. No doubt, too much shit & the further I move, the longer trip & chance for trouble. 🙁

May 17, 2007

Lmfao i so hate spiders too which is ironic i guess it makes alot of sence…lol awsomeness inded

May 17, 2007

I suppose there are worse things that I could be than a rollercoaster. In fact, I like rollercoasters, though I’ve not had the priviledge to ride that many of them. One of my dreams is to ride a bunch of different rollercoaster’s with Mick Foley. He’s a HUGE fan of rollercoaster’s. Pick his brain, hear all sorts of wrestling stories, and ride the rollercoaster. Thank you for this gift, Inmate!

May 17, 2007

RYN: Aladdin rocks! Thanks for the well wishes.

May 17, 2007

*lol* I do come from the garden city here…although I thought thats coz Pot is so easy to find here. All the same protectors for the stormtroopers so no-1 feels insecure. I’ve got about 3 tapes / DVDS of me & my mates drunk as f*ck…Kinda funny…

May 17, 2007

lol cool

May 18, 2007

Thanks for stopping by. I love your diary’s colors.

May 19, 2007

I am trying to figure out my favorite movie…I really liked Shawshank Redemption. But Army of Darkness was pretty freaking great too. Sarah

May 22, 2007

yup..I think your pic for me is acurate!

May 22, 2007

xD Oh, you coo coo girl. <3 Does it have to do with asianness and cuteness? : O (I’m not asian, but. . . ) :3 BUT BABEH, HOW YA BEEN? AP exams are a drag. D: else I would have gotten my ass on teh internets. I may have asked you a zillion times, but have you MSN, AIM? Anything? XD Here goes a zillion and one. <3

May 30, 2007

I like this idea. I like this idea very much.