Fighting Nerdiness with Gluttony.

L ast night I was listening to the soundtrack to Episode 1 and re-enacting the scenes in my room (around bunches of boxes and piles of shit).
You know you’re overlly obsessed when you can listen to a soundtrack on random and are able to re-enact the scene the music is from.  *Nod*

But I had to cut my escapade short when my brother called.  I told him what I’d been doing, to which he replied, "I’m only going to tell you this once and only because I care for you- GET A FREAKIN LIFE." 
Undeterred, I begun singing the Ewok song…
Which he finished for me. 

We’re both pitifully alike LOL. 
(We’re slowly discovering this as we get to know each other… he barely mentions 300 and I scream "THIS IS SPARTA!  BOOM *splat*" (with the little dance and kick but you can’t see that over the phone).  I forgot the point of this story soooo… never mind.  ON WITH IT, DONKEY OF DOOM!)

I bought new shoes!  They’re spankin’ white leather Nikes, with a bold, black swoosh.  VERY radical.  VERY controversial but I finally bought them after much inner debate.    I’m wearing them now, actually. 

My mom and I were late to work today.  I was almost ready to go when I hear this loud thump from the kitchen and, "I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!"  And then there was a straight hour of tears before she was able to make it out the door.
Ugh.  She’s been slowly deteriorating though, I can see it.  She barely smiles or laughs anymore and she’s just listless and doesn’t eat right and there’s nothing my dad and I can really do…
I made hamburgers yesterday (ME!?  COOK!?  Only for Mother’s Day…) and my dad cooked them on the grill and she barely scraped up a thank you.  We had to ask her a couple of times if she even LIKED the food and finally she said it was fine.

But LAST NIGHT we had chocolate fondue. 
Warm melting chocolate on a banana.
::leg thumps on ground::
On an apple!
A chocolate chip cookie!?!?

I almost DIED from euphoria last night. 
(Actually, at one point during this process I swore up and down I could cure cancer  .)

I called Kelly during this high.  He’d fainted from the pain on his way to go pick up his meds so they dragged him back into bed and souped him up good (not the first time this has happened).
It hurt my heart. 
I would have hung up if it weren’t for the chocolate.
I actually got so scared when he answered the phone that I said, "Hey, I’ll let you go" and he said, "NO, you’re a FRIEND.  I want to talk."  And then I realized that it was probably a good thing that I called.  Yay!
He also said that if he gets leave after his surgery on June 1, he wanted to see my dance show on June 4.
I was very touched but insisted that he needed recovery time…

Tonight I’ll make one of my protein smoothies.  It’s been a while.  I have an 8 pound tub of protein that has been left practically untouched since I started on that diet thing. 

Holy shizzle, I got an e-mail today from my ex back from 8th grade.  I thought it was spam at first but I just HAD to open it (::grumbles about curiosity killing the Star Wars nerd::)… and sure enough…
Ugh.  I don’t know how to proceed with THIS one.  O.o 
I don’t know if I even want to talk to him.  I’ve tried to put my past behind me and, well, that includes him!!
Well.  We’ll see.  We’ve both grown up now.

Aight, I’m out like oxygen shots. 
Peace-izzle, my nizzles~

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  My nifty new shoes, black sweatpants, white cut-off muscle tank, black sweatband and my HAIR is DOWN.    I made it all messy this morning.  : )  I could still REALLY use a shower though… Damn hot water heater.  ::shakes fist::  Oh yea, these are just footnotes.  My bad-
Feeling::  GREAT.  Thanks for asking!  ^_^
Last ate::  Mustard on lettuce and spinach.
Reading::  Old US News magazines.  So I can throw them away and not pack them.  Packing SUCKS, especially when you have no boxes!!  INMATE.  FOOTNOTES.  SORREEEE! 











   <~  PSSSSSST.  That’s a fucking PUMPKIN.  GASP!









I’m hyper so… Leave notes.  ::smiles:: 







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May 14, 2007

I hope your mom & friend will be okay. Sorry to hear about both of them. 🙁 I will keep them in my prayers. Hmm, not a huge episode I fan, but the saber fight was cool. I’d duel with ya. 😉 lol. chocolate raisins are good. mmhmmm, gotta be careful not to entice you with food, but now I know what could lure you anywhere. 😉 lol. Like a big steak or honey for bees. I’ll take a shake. Make me

May 14, 2007

one since you are cooking more. 😉 And if I’m the geek, you are the geek-a So, Take it easy geeka. 😉 Peace. {X}

May 14, 2007

hahaha, you make me laugh and have a great energy about you. 🙂 I was checking out your dance pictures and wow….I can only dream of dancing like that…I have no rhythm whatsoever and wouldn’t be able put my legs over my head if my life depended on it….thank goodness my life doesn’t depend on it…whew…anyways. 🙂 I’m sorry about your friend Kelly…May I ask why he is in so much pain? Is he going to be ok? ; ; Well, you don’t have to tell me cuz I am a complete stranger…I suppose it isn’t any of my business… Well, I hope you have a great week. thank you for your random note. 🙂 Take care funny girl who makes me laugh. 🙂 ~Randi

May 14, 2007

Wait, so you’re NOT supposed to be able to reenact fight sequences based solely on the music? =) Did you just do the Thumper thing because of chocolate? I’m sorry about your mom and your friend, but I know both of them are better off with you in their respective corners. In conclusion, yay shoes.

May 14, 2007

RYN: They probably found it with satellite imaging that can penetrate anything between the atmosphere and the Earth’s crust, all the way down to the tectonic plates. =)

May 14, 2007

RYN: Cellar door. Dropping the Donnie Darko refs now, are we? You are always welcome in my little corner. And if you think satellite imaging is cool, I’ll try to hook you up with some doppler radar. =)

May 14, 2007

RYN: Sweetness, if you wanted, you could have a whole room. I know that hardkore chicas like you need space to move. =)

May 14, 2007

RYN: Well, yes, it’s my corner, and since you’re invited, you can do what you like. But where did you get the mustard? =)

May 14, 2007

holy crap ex’s suck,i hope kelly is okay and your mom ish smelly lol

May 14, 2007

Man, I f*ckin luv your outlook on things eh…You win alot of arguements dont you?

May 14, 2007

RYN: My $2 special sunnies…They’re a lil crooked, but you cant tell with my gangsta lean *lol* GET OUTTA MY ROOM!!!

May 14, 2007

How might one go about chocolate fonduing (is that a verb?) your protein shake? The caffeine from the chocolate should kick-start the protein, though I’m not sure what the protein does exactly. I’m sure it’s good, but I’m not sure why. Does it make one poop? I don’t know. I’m still stuck on why poop doesn’t stick to wookie’s. Why is their fur so particulate? I’m sorry, what was the question?

May 15, 2007

ryn: the 3.2 was a reference to the “average” number of children per household in America…I don’t remember the exact number, but it was 2 point something or three point something…just a reference to the whole “american dream” thing.

May 15, 2007

Oxygen shots? Nizzle? Oh, it’s that hip slang. I’m not good at that. For shingles, my nozzle. No, that’s not right. For sprinkles, my ninja. There we go.

May 15, 2007

300 was excellent! i thought i was the only one who always says, “This is Sparta!” whenever it’s mentioned :p ryn: yeah…i’m also grumpy about the whole moving thing. it’s such a pain. i had boxes, but i ran out because i have an enormous amount of junk in my apartment.

May 15, 2007

yay new shoes. I hope your mommy is alright. Chocolate fondue is um…DELCIOUS. I want some. NOW.

May 16, 2007

Heh, I find that when I listen to soundtracks the scene from the film usually plays out in my mind and it’s brilliant. Bananas are the BEST thing for chocolate fondue. Bestbest.