Everyone’s got delusions of grandeur suddenly…

Wearing::  Navy cut offs, white athletic top and Nikes and a Nike sweatband.
Last ate:: Raisin Bran and Strawberry Kiwi carrot juice.
Listening to:: The printer!  …Yea, well…
Feeling::  Umm… ::looks around suspiciously::  Rawr. 

Life’s going ok…
‘Cept that one of my most docile friends has suddenly begun bragging about how he’s a bad ass (Uhh… okay.), my boyfriend has made his favorite pasttime making me horny, my best friend in the whole wide world is leaving for Indiana and then leaving me for college a day or two after she gets back and another dance teacher at this studio keeps trodding on my hours and my students and thinks it’s funneh.  I don’t know what gets into people’s heads these days but I’m still here doing the same ol’ same ol’ shit that I always do.
So nothing to report. 
‘Cept I’m thinking of choreographing at least one solo this year so that I have one in case I need to perform it.  I want to do it to the Beastie Boy’s ‘Three MC’s and One DJ.’
AND WENDY’S HAS A VANILLA FROSTY NOW!  HOLY SHIT.  They’re better than the chocolate ones.  I still have half of one in the freezer from yesterday.  ^_^
I gotta go call people and do stuff though.  I just like to make an appearance on FOD every now and then just to say,
"Yes, I’m alive, now fucking fuck off."  Wooooot!    ::smiles obnoxiously::  (I’m a brat, I know.)


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