*epic title movie music plays loudly*

First things last, as long as they’re put before what is meant to be last.

I have the internet in my apartment.  OMG.  Talk about moving up in the world, I have TV.  Which is quite pointless as I never watch it.  What’s the point of scrolling through 1000 channels when you only get 200 of them?  By the time you’ve found something that you might want to watch… you’ve run out of time you had allotted to sit down and watch the tube.
Already, I digress.

But the internet allows me access back to my diary, and more importantly, I can play Call of Duty: Black Ops (ZOMBIES!!) online. Yes’m, I am still a big, big, candy-coated nerd.

 Last Saturday I had my first performance—OH OH  OH OH but wait!!!  I haven’t mentioned that I was finally accepted into a performing arts company out here in the pits of Hollywood.  It’s a martial arts company and it’s helping keep me on my feet.  It’s allowing me to learn new skills, new people and have fun.  Already, my social skills and life are improving and it’s an ALL GIRLS group so I’m getting my girl time!  (Since my boy time seems to be dangerous, shaky or awful at any given point in time.)
I’m sure this is nerdy too… come on now.  A bunch of girls dressed skimpily fighting it out on stage?
ANYWAY.  First performance was at a nightclub on Hollywood Blvd, a completely glow in the dark event and was pretty interesting to say the least.  But it got me in front of people, performing, and I realized how much I missed it.

Granted, I am sick again, now, currently, and fighting a massive flea infestation in my crappy apartment but the excitement for life is present again.

This Saturday I audition for the Lakers girls.  If I make the cut (which is HIGHLY doubtful, considering 1000 girls are going to show up) I am QUITTING MY JOB AT STARBUCKS!!!!  …Just want to put that out  there.

I day dream, everymorning, when I go to my car at 0400, that one day I will not have to do it anymore.  5 days a week, I dream in my sleep while being awake and going to work.  I am so DONE DONE DONE with being treated like a second hand human being just because I work in a coffee shop. 

Yes,  That is my second entry of 2011 and SO BE IT IF IT MAKES NO SENSE!  Mwa ha ha.  Ha ha.  Ha.


I am back.  🙂
(Well.  Work in progress.  But aren’t we all, always, all the time?)


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July 12, 2011

That would be amazing. Good luck!

July 12, 2011

I couldn’t give her a grand piano like that, but she’d sure be getting an upright organ. *wink*

July 22, 2011

U know ur an adult when you are trapped in the “grind”. 😉 There is always that carrot dangling to get out. But if anyone has the mad skills to do it, it’s you. I can’t say I approve of the Lakers, but seeing as they are all hot beauties such as yourself, you’d fit right in. 😀 Good Luck! And you getting sick? Nah…how often is it now? lol. U may need to get a flea collar, Special K. ha ha.

July 22, 2011

btw, TV is overrated. Too many channels and not enough time to watch them, if they are even good channels. I watch everything on the net. Saves me $55 a month. Been doing that for a while now. 🙂

July 24, 2011

whoop whoop! I dont like the zombies on black ops, holding out for MW3…you on PS3 or Xbox?

July 25, 2011

Hang in there girl, this economy is kicking all our asses. Good to see your posting here again, I might have to come here more than twice a year again. Being treated like **** by these assholes, it’s good motivation to make sure we treat everyone we run across with respect and appreciation for what they do. hey if you play COD on xbox we should totally play together some time!