Dancing and the military and nothing, really.

Wearing:: Black cut off sweatpants, Nikes, bright blue & white halter top
Listening to::  Disney Princess music, or whatever the little girls are listening to in the studio
Last ate::  String cheese and a few pieces of chicken and three crackers.

If I had twenty one missile silos, I would fill one of them with lead, and the rest of quantative mechanics. 
My brother’s home for a while, he just graduated from the Air Force, so he’s on leave before he returns to his base for… stuff.  I think I’m surrounded by the military, as odd as that is.  My brother is active Air Force, my dad is retired Air Force, my grandpa is Army from Vietnam era (RIP), my best friend is active career Marine Corps, and the second of my three best friends is enlisted in the Marines- September he ships out to BASIC. 
I’ve thought recently about joining the military.  I’m dedicated, not necessarily fearless but hard to scare, in great shape, and people yelling at me doesn’t particularily phase me.  But therein kinda lies the problem.  If I don’t think it’s important, I don’t pay much attention when people yell at me to do stuff.  And I have a lot of medical issues.  And plus, I don’t know about the whole female aspect of the military.  Personally I think it’s pretty wussy.
Anyway, so with my brother being home, it’s a lot of fun because his friends come over.  One of his friends actually picks on me, and it’s very disconcerting.  Not a lot of people are brave enough to pick on me.  But to them I’m nothign more than Kyle’s little sister.  ^_^  I don’t mind… it’s a good change of scenario.
Except my brother’s best friend is going to prom this weekend, so that night will become (quite entertainingly) "Let’s pick on Kyle’s little sister night."  Hallelujah. 
I’m getting my pictures taken on Friday by GlamourShots to get a start on my portfolio for the agency audition in Dallas in June. 
Man, I’m hungry.  I lose weight easily, but it sure fuckin sucks.  I’ve lost four pounds in a week and a half.  I’ve only been really trying for the past half a week, though.  Currently I’m consuming 1400-1700 calories a day (at the most 200 bad calories) depending on my level of activity.  I have cereal or oatmeal and juice in the morning, 350-600 calories.  For lunch I have about 500 calories, good foods whatever I want but only a single serving: about 400-600 calories.  Dinner, usually a salad with everything on it and huge ass glass of milk, approximately 500 calories.  I’m only talking about this because I’m hungry.  I can’t eat for another fucking half an hour.  Wooo.
I’ve got a thirty-member hip hop production to choreograph coming up this summer.  I’m thinking about doing it to Fatboy Slim’s ‘Right Here, Right now.’  It would be really awesome. 
Speaking of which, our resident hip hop teacher totalled his car and can’t teach because he’s in a cast.  So I got slammed with his half-finished advanced hip hop routine.  I had two one-hour practices to finish it now… one passed and I didn’t do anything because the dance is with a chair.  I’m like… fuck.  You’ve got to be kidding me- I didn’t want to do the dance to begin with, and now I’m stuck choreographing it.  I would welcome the challenge… if only I had more time to choreograph this.  ::shakes head::  I have to re-choreograph this year’s hip hop production tonight for a performance at a middle school. 
Speaking of that, too (I write so ADD… no wonder my English teachers just shook their heads and gave me B’s.), our studio performed at an elementary school a few weeks ago at 7:45 in the freaking morning.  I was only in the hip hop production (introducing and finishing it off) so it was gonna suck… until we started.  I have never performed for that many kids before and it was a real treat.  You could tell EXACTLY which parts they liked and thought were cool because this collective gasp could be heard audibly over the music and they would all go "WOW" or "COOL!"  It was really really awesome.  Then, me & Caitlin a fellow intern at Broadway were handing out pamphlets on our studio at the door as the kids were leaving.  The principal came up to me with the most intense look on his face and I thought I was in trouble (naturally… ::rolls eyes:: ).  He just said, "That was amazing.  Thank you so much.  Absolutely amazing."  And he shook my hand.  I was pretty scared, but he left after shaking hands with Caitlin and that was that.  Caitlin got in an arguement at the end with a couple of boys who wanted her phone number.  (Even funnier, Caitlin doesn’t like kids at all.)  The teacher finally said, "You guys are 10!  Knock it off!"  And one of the boys goes, "No!  I want her number for my cousin!"  I laughed.  A lot.  The boys went away.  And then me and Caitlin signed autographs on these kids arms for a while before we left.  Then she went to school and I went to the studio.  She came in for class at night and I grinned at her and said, "Hello Caitlin, hero of pre-teen boys everywhere!"  She looked at me and got the weirdest look on her face and I laughed again… very hard.
The Wheels on the Bus GO ROUND AND ROUND, BITCH HAHA!!!


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May 16, 2006

thanks for saying i’m a genius, You’re dead wrong but thanks anyways 🙂 Keep noting I like it

May 12, 2007

Hmm, let’s see these Glamour Shots….;) Picking on you, hmm you make it sound like it’s dangerous activity. 😉 lol. I’ve never been one to count calories. Makes my head spin. I just go by how I look & feel & if something needs changin’, I just do it. Calories & math & good & bad, ugh. Too much work, I’d rather use that time to work out to make up for it. 😉 Glad you didn’t enlist. 😀

May 12, 2007

& Wow, you girls were rocking the cradle that night. 😉 10 year olds, eh? That’s almost as bad as a 31 year old hitting on a 19 year old….oops….lmao. 😉 jk ttyl {X}