Dance, Zombie, Dance! ::hits with pool cue::

Every All Hallow’s Eve, almost as far as I can remember, I sit Indian-style somewhere in my bedroom and stare unabashedly at my neon lightning clock (yes, the clock is trippy; no that’s not my topic).
I sit and I wait for the stroke of midnight. 
And when it hits…
I jump up, peering eagerly through every window available to me, thinking furiously to myself, ‘ARE THERE ZOMBIES THIS YEAR!?’
…Sadly, I report there have been no zombies yet. 
Tonight, we will repeat this process.  Wish me luck.

Sometimes I wonder why I ritually wait for zombies.  Vampires, while hella cool, don’t even cut it.  Has to be zombies.  After some thought, I think I partake of this ritual as a form of ‘Shaun of the Dead’ syndrome.  Whenever I think of zombies, I think of mobile punching bags, such as the scene in the movie where Shaun and Liz and crew bang on a zombie with pool cues as they dance in a circle.  (I acted this scene out in my kitchen several times this morning.  *Nods importantly*)
Sigh.  Hopefully my time will come.

I was watching the Sci-Fi channel last night after classes and saw an advertisement for Ghost Hunters; they’re staying the Waverly Hills Sanitorium on Halloween night. 
And myself, being the inherently curious one, looked the place up on the trusty internet.  All I have to say is: 
You can tour it, OR you can stay in this hospital that housed dying TB patients for zillions of years for a 4 or 8 hour night. 
::raises hand::  Can I go!? 
I would probably be spittin scared because (Lord knows) I don’t like seeing things that aren’t really there.  But my fascination with the paranormal (which always gets me in trouble) prevails. 

Ooh wee!  I love me some October.  : D


Wearing::  Gray hooded tank that says DANCE, black sweatpants with the left leg rolled allll the way up to show my rad Halloween knee-high toe socks.  XD  And Vans.
Last ate::  Tums.  My stomach hurts.  >.<
Feeling::  Festive.  I like Halloween lots!  I choreographed my class jazz tonight to ‘I Put A Spell On You.’  : )
Reading::  Just finished ‘Children of the Jedi’ (not so hot), and am now halfway through ‘Jarhead’ by Anthony Swofford (much hotter.  Heh).

P.S.  I’m doing much better, if you can’t have told my entry.  : ) 
Kelly and I had a heart to heart Saturday night.  I finally needed to talk someone and I called/texted him… just in tears.  I don’t think we’ve ever really had a heart to heart before.  The last time he’d heard me cry was umm… 6 years ago.  Back when I literally lost my mind.
Anyway, I felt so much better after talking to him.  I think, deep down, I needed to hear someone verbally reassure me that they still care and love me.  Except he now has this vendetta against my father and said that if he did/said anything to me again he would shoot his brains out. 
Yay for the Marine Corps!  : /

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October 30, 2007

By wishing you luck, am I wishing you zombies or no zombies? Because, honestly, if there were zombies, I’d wanna be there to help you fight. You were on my survival team, remember?

October 30, 2007

hell yeah! i hope you find zombies this year!!!! and for the record, i love, love, love ghost hunters…but..since we got our new house we haven’t got cable yet:( soon though! i don’t think i’m brave enough to actually go do that though, I just like to watch:) Oh! And Thanks for your comment!! And.. Happy Halloween!!!

O.o Yay October! I love Halloween, too! ‘Tis my favourite holiday. *nods* Of course, no Halloween is complete without some contact with Otherworldly beings. RYN: Thanks for the note!

Zombies?…*blinks*…HELL YEAH!! >.< I'll be on teh lookout too. I'm going to this hella haunted house down the road to spy on some ghosts :p nyway, thanks for the note.

October 30, 2007

So glad you were able to talk with Kelly and get those feelings out into the open. A friend once told me that it’s better to explode than implode and I agree! If I ever saw a zombie it would scare the bejeezus out of me! =)

October 31, 2007

RYN: Wow. You will stop at NOTHING to lure those zombies there. Heh.

October 31, 2007

I’m so watching the Ghost Hunters special tonight. I watch them all the time! This is their second year doing a live one for Halloween. It can be pretty boring if nothing interesting is happening cause basically its hours and hours of watching them investigate, but there’s always that chance you may see something live! How cool would that be! And you can watch extra cameras online and if you see anything you can text them and stuff! So cool! Sorry no zombies. I would get freaked if there were some. I’d like vampires better. And desperately beg them to make me one!

October 31, 2007

Zombies. Hmmm, what would you do if you found them, eat them before they eat you or make out with one? lol. 😉 Elijah Burke will be on Ghost Hunters. CM Punk was on there last year. I knew him personally in 1995. That’s cool. I’ll prolly be watching the Bulls season opener, tho. lol. I just hope I don’t run out of candy. I didn’t buy as much since we barely get that many kids. I wanna see the

October 31, 2007

“spell on you” dance. U Tube it. 😉 lol. You are sick to your stomach? FINALLY. I told ya your diet would catch up to you. Seriously, hope you are better. Tums does help. Also, swigs of vinegar counteract bad stomach acid. remember it. 😉 Do you own pairs of sweats with DANCE on the ass? lol. Children of the Corn vs Children of the Jedi. Remember you are loved by us all on OD, too. 😉 {X}

October 31, 2007

ryn2: You need to do the rain dance here, ya know that, right? 🙁 Pizza, not bad. Just had rising crust earlier. Yum. Static X helps me get up some mornings. Wisconsin Death Trip, baby. 😉 They’re lyrics are hysterical. lol. ryn3: Call me before you reach single & 50, dear. Tho, I might be dead by then. lol. Somehow I don’t think you’ll last that long unless you really want to. You are amazing,

October 31, 2007

so any guy would be lucky to be with you at any time. 😉 Glad you liked the pics. 🙂 Online is tough, you have to find a person that 1. You are attracted to & have chemistry. 2. Loves & Appreciates you enough to take a chance. That’s not easy at all. ryn4: You see Death Proof? It’s better than the zombie Planet Terror, but not sure you’d agree. lol. Thanks for the other yays. 😉 heh heh. {X}