Dance convention! Mmm.

I was in such a foul mood on Sunday that I didn’t want to attend a dance convention on Mon & Tues.
My dance studio was hosting it and I was planning to attend free of charge (WOO-HOO!  Conventions are expensive, in the $200 range for 2 days.).  But the sorry condition of my feet was really getting to me… you know how it is, you can deal with something that’s bothering you but when it starts to affect other areas in your life it resonates like a BEAST. 

Well.  Apparently the manager was expecting me to help, so I relented and awoke at 0530 to get my ass down there. 

I sat behind the registration table and spun around in my chair, just like I always do…
Later, when I realized that all 100 or so dancers at the convention seemed to know me by name on sight, this might not have been a good idea.  Haha, oops.

Anyway, the first class had been hip hop.  Everyone seemed to think I was baller and by the point the teacher (who used to work with stars such as MC Hammer and P. Diddy) asked a few of us to perform with him and I did a backwalkover into a one-handed stall… I was quite well received.
The teacher talked to me afterward and when I said I was planning on moving out to LA soon… he seemed to momentarily flip his shit.  He basically said that my downtime when I moved out would be short and I would start booking jobs asap.  I almost had a heart attack.
With how upset I’ve been lately about dancing and my feet, this was a conversation that both re-motivated me and got me super depressed.  It was really weird.

Anyway, I had a few more classes, then took a ride back to the studio where I taught for several hours.  My working day was about 12 hours.  The same strenuous hours occured on Tuesday. 

Tuesday was great since I managed to lock myself in a stairwell at a hotel… from now on I will think twice before I take the stairs to prevent myself from succumbing to "elevator limbo".
Tuesday morning I taught my biggest class up to date… I taught at least 75 girls a ballet audition routine. 
I also almost had a blow out with my carpool.  There’s this new book out called ‘Skinny Bitch’ and most of the morning I was unfortunate enough to be read several passages from it.  It basically cussed me out and insulted anyone who ate anything even remotely unhealthy.  As a matter of fact, the girl reading it to me threw out her lunch so she wouldn’t have to eat… and found the whole thing FUNNY.  She even held this one-sided conversation with herself on how she hates fat people and thinks they’re so disgusting and I just couldn’t believe my ears.  Of course, it might not be humorous to me since my eating status isn’t too hot but I don’t find it worthwhile or enlightening to read something like that.  And if I heard one more time her tell me how anorexic girls were so gorgeous I was going to blow my top… and that was something I couldn’t afford to do.  For some reason she’s super popular at the studio and I seem to be the only one who doesn’t like her.  : /
Tuesday evening I also took a tap class from one of the instructors and it went SO well for me that I had the biggest ego boost in the world.  It was much needed.

I am so sore right now I could barely drag myself out of bed.  My feet hurt pretty bad but right now I’m just so satisfied I had a great two days, I don’t care I’m walking like a zombie.  😛


Wearing:: Energizer bunny boxers (sssh), and some random tshirt.
Last ate::  Too long ago but my dad’s making chorizo rice and I’m SUPER excited. 

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June 25, 2008

Wow! I do not like this girl! Someone needs to slap her in the face. I thought about reading that book once. I heard it is written for big girls by skinny girls. Doesn’t make much sense to me, but I may have the premise of the book wrong.

June 25, 2008

*gives you hugs and a massage* You are a dynamo, and you work far far too hard. Even Jedi take breaks!

June 25, 2008

what? jedi dont take breaks. but, you are better than a jedi therefore you get to take breaks. riiight?

June 26, 2008

RYN: ok, I use Nerovision express 3 its not bad but Ive been having audio problems, dont know if its something Ive done or not. Windows movie maker is pretty wicked in other aspects, but if you want to save anything as a file Youtube will allow you have to go ‘File’ – ‘Save Movie File’ – then direct where you want it saved & it’ll save it as a WMV Otherwise it saves as some f*cked up file name

June 28, 2008

i bet you can kick a jedi’s @$$. anyway my cousin has that book. i should read it. oh and i lost a pound this week! but it was also my nieces birthday so i had several sugar free cookies so i bet i gained it back. And as for mrs anorexic anti fatty, i think i look sexy for a fatty. oh well i’ll be less tsumo and more samurai soon enough. oh and $50 and i’ll massage your feet. deal?

July 19, 2008

Wow good luck!