Convention SQUEEEEEEEness!

… WOW.  I am continuously discovering new, fascinating depths of exhaustion.  Just when I think I can’t function anymore…  Oooooh, there I go again!!

The only reason I’m awake right now is because I haven’t been sleeping well and besides… I went to sleep last night at 2000.

I won a SCHOLARSHIP from auditions yesterday.  …wow.  I’m still more or less in shock.  Or just a fatigued stupor.
Either one will probably be just as correct.  I think I need a 3rd cup of coffee.

It was THE BIG scholarship, too.  The one for 20 free classes at Debbie Allen’s studio in LA where they not only offer your basic disciplines, but salsa, Dunham, AERIAL training, voice, acting… the whole shebang man.  ::stares:: 

This weekend I almost felt like a celebrity.  People knew me all around the convention.  And the teachers always picked me to dance at the end, to show off for the rest of the class.  The director of the convention calls me by name as well.  Never mind the fact that she always gets it wrong by one letter lol, but it’s always by name.
I’ve ALWAYS dreamed of being (and revered) THAT girl.  It’s almost impossible believe that I am now THAT girl.  I am so blessed…

I got a migraine on Saturday; I believe it was from this psycho, thrashy dance.  My head didn’t like it at all nope.  But I personally loved it.  Because of my headTHROB, I was forced to skip a class.  I felt really guilty.  But that could just be considered my lunch period.  Since I was dancing 7 hours straight with no breaks.  *Nod*  It was almost exactly like that one time in Las Vegas where I worked myself so hard that I was sitting through a banquet and tears just started streaming down my face.  Only this time I was in an auditorium.
I was so far gone that by this time (halfway through my day) I drank 16 ounces of an energy drink and was rewarded with the mere ability to function at normal power again.  (And I’m the extremely caffeine sensitive one.)

I’m not Superwoman, this I admit (despite the new nickname).  Although after this summer I’d like to believe I’m close.  ^_^

No, I’m kidding.  The sky is the limit.  There is potential inside of me still untapped and I am FAR from being perfect.  But that’s why I love to dance.  There IS no perfection, there is no ONE way to do something.  Dance is freedom, the ability to be yourself without having to conjure coherent sentences (which is very, very difficult for me and my fast moving brain).

Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I can’t see what everyone else sees in me.  I understand that I’ve grown up the role model for loads of girls but I still can’t imagine what they see when they look at me. 
Which I guess is good… growing into a role is so much easier than having to adjust to it.

I’m exhausted and rambling.  SQUEEEEEE-boombizzle-EEEE!

But growing into my dancing, I was ALWAYS overlooked.  I was SO hard on myself (and still am, Lord, Saturday I almost strangled myself over the hip hop routine we learned) and I was never recognized.  I was the little kid, too, being pushed into the older kid classes because I learn best by getting my ASS KICKED.
It’s so hard to get used to the choreographers and teachers and kids coming up to me telling me how awesome they think I am.  Somehow, somewhere I went from a wallflower to apparently this amazing plant thing and it’s rather hard to get used to.  Yet at the same time it’s NOT because I realize that I DESERVE this.  I have worked SO hard for so long and sacrificed so much…

HAHAHAHA!  ::dances:: 

…I think I’m going to go back to sleep now.
Boot camp for the next four days. 

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Blue plaid boxers, blue cami.
Feeling::  More exhausted than I have EVER felt before… top that off with elation and you get my sense of being. 
Last ate::  Oatmeal topped with granola cereal.  I am starving all over again.  Woot!  ::goes eat::


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August 5, 2007

I love the way you talk about dance. Your so passionate about it. You speak with a form of both adoration and respect that is for the most part lost in todays society. Again congratulations on your scholarship. I knew you’d kick ass this weekend. Miss you.

August 5, 2007

that really is awsome

August 5, 2007

That’s phenomenal! I’m glad you’re being recognized for the awesome fireworks show that you are! Now go rest, or I’m gonna hit you with a giant clown mallet to ensure you get some sleep! =)

August 5, 2007

Wow, you got a scholarship! That’s freakin’ awesome! I envy you your passion for dance 🙂 I wish I could be as energized and stoked about something. Don’t work yourself so hard you keel over though… heh heh lol

August 5, 2007

Yea! Debbie Allen is so awesome. I’m thrilled you won the scholarship and will be going to her dance studio! When you get all famous, you better not forget all your OD friends! ** giggling ** Go Inmate! Go Inmate! Go, Go, Go Inmate!

congrats on your scholarship! <3

August 5, 2007

Congrats! That’s so awesome!!!!

August 5, 2007

Congrats. yay dance.


August 6, 2007

RYN: I walk in place and around my apartment (which isn’t very big!). I’d have to take my oxygen tank with me if I went out into the “real” world and I don’t have a CD player, so I wouldn’t have any music! And, the tank is kind of heavy. I turn my CD player up loud and walk in place, pumping my arms, too. Sometimes the music just fills me up so much that I begin dancing around. That really gets me out of breath fast, though, so I try to jus stick to the walking! =)

August 6, 2007

YAY YOU! couldn’t think of a better to tell u how happy i am for you! that is totally awesome. It’s great that u have come so far! Good luck

August 6, 2007

thank you, i’m not that great you just dont piss me off so i’m nice. besides when you become world famous i can brag that i knew you when u were a nobody from tx.

August 8, 2007

I think everything will come in stride and you’ll be even more appreciated if you remain humble by the accolades that you receive from your fans. CONGRATULATIONS on your scholarship. That’s really awesome, & though I don’t know you on a personal level, I am extremely proud of your accomplishments and dream of one day telling you that in person. Or at least seeing you perform. Either/Or. L8er! –

August 9, 2007

Debbie Allen’s studio will give you a scholarship with FREE salsa. Holy shit. All you need is some chips & I’m right there with you. lol. 😉 If I made the decision to be a voice actor, I’d have HAD to go to LA. I even talked to the cast director of Justice League Unlimited. It’s just too tough to move to a MORE expensive area to live at this point in my life. Good Luck with everything tho. 🙂

August 9, 2007

You don’t get this far in life by people HANDING you things, be it praise, adulation, scholarships, respect, etc. You earn it. You roll up your sleeves, dig down deep & DO IT. YOU work ur ass off. Keep working hard, but ALWAYS be mindful of your body & what it tells you. You are young, but we aren’t always @ the same level. Translated=not young/invincible forever. Enjoy & ride the wave while U can

August 11, 2007

The best artist are always hard on themselves and always remember to be humble.. looks like you are well on your way. Congratulations and best wishes.