Conglomeration celebration.

I just finished split pea soup, the best soup ever of the soup world.
It’s homemade, from the crock pot.
::drools a pool:: 

Oh and I bought dark chocolate truffles and sweethearts at 75% off today at Walgreens since I didn’t get anything for V-day!  ^_^  How thrilling!
I am so excited since Dark chocolate is the best kind of chocolate EVERRRR!!!

The truffles look like mini greenhouses… almost disturbing in how falsely processed they are but I DONT CARE! GAH! EAT SHIT lobby-man! (Don’t insult the dark chocolate.  )

If I had 29 grapefruits, I’d give you a guinea pig and then I’d have scoliosis.

GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS!!!  Wednesdaaaaay.    I think I’ll take beginning tap class again… Hehehe! 

I was sleeping on the floor a lot since it got cold.  It’s warmed up again.  70 degrees today.  : D  Thank God.
I think my family and I are moving in around 3 weeks.  We don’t know where we’ll go or what we’ll do but we’re gonna sell the house cheap and just get the FUCK OUT like we should have done MONTHS ago.  : /
Packing is going to be a BALL.  It’s going to be around the time I go to Chicago, too, but that’s another entry completely…

Nothing is for naught… unless it’s a waste of time and caught.

Yesterday I was physically and mentally EXHAUSTED.  I think the weekend and family/work stress, all of it had finally hit me. 
I’ve been so busy it’s krazee… Ick.  But bein’ busy is a good thing, I think… it keeps me from bein’ bored and doin’ stupid shit to get in trouble (I’m REAL good at that one…).  Woot! 

Did I mention my ex drinks like a fish?  He drained at least 3 bottles of Budweiser Saturday night (not including the margaritas).  The restaurant bill was over $100  It was INSANE
Whatever.  I’m okay with it.  After yesterday’s exhaustion… WHEWHahaha

Look for a recipe entry coming soon… regarding coffee and smoothies (if you like that kinda shit).  I need somewhere to write it down and where else better than good ol’ OD?    X D 
Maybe you’ll learn somethin’ while I’m at it?  Who knows!? 

And… my best line yet:
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer… take one down, pass it around, there’s enough beer for all o’ y’all! 

†    INMATE    †

Wearing:: Dark gray pants, black leotard, black crop jacket, green accessories.  GREEN!?  Yea… I don’t know either.
Last ate::  Split pea soup and some crackers.
Feeling::  In control. 
Reading::  Space Odyssey 2061 (boring…), as well as D-Day, the Eisenhower  Foundation (which is on my desk right now).


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February 21, 2007

where is that pix from? it loos familiar but i cant remembr where i saw it…star wars?

February 21, 2007

75% off sweethearts??? Im cheaper than that *lol*

February 21, 2007

Holy shit. 😀 $100 for booze?! <3 If I had 29 grapefruits, I’d give you a guinea pig and then I’d have scoliosis. <– So Random, dahling. I lol'd. 😀 And I loves candy, babeh, I rly do. I had ill candy today.

February 21, 2007

RYN: I do that, too. x] I refuse to chase anyone. I wait for people to hop on mah nuts. 😀 They hop on mah nuts good.

February 21, 2007

RYN again: Well, I’m not really ancient. :O But my soul is. x] It’s just that that subject is relevant to my life.

February 22, 2007

thanks for the compliments and the advice so do you think our relationship can really survive even wwith him in the army ? xx

February 22, 2007

haha truffles are fun though…omg this tim,e a year ago i was in america in florida on holiday =[ damn i miss walgreens and walmart lol xxx

February 22, 2007

I’m so jealous of your soup! I LOVE Split Pea soup…and everyone makes fun o fme, haha. 🙂

February 22, 2007

Chicago is damn cold this time of the year, so hopefully you go a little later in the season. I just came from there. lol. Split pea soup will always remind me of Exorcist. 😉 ryn: THANK YOU. I appreciate your kind words, I’m trying to be. You seem very cool yourself & look forward to reading more. If you move don’t come West. lol. It’s worse. lol. I’m trying out the east coast when I can.

February 22, 2007

RYN: *lol* You can only tell so much about a person & with what they tell you in a diary. I wouldnt say everyone writes how they are in person as a diary is usually quite personal / their opinions. I speak/write as close as possible as if I was in person. I never really believed in the perfect woman, cept the perfect woman for me. Cheers! Peace + chicken grease

February 22, 2007

3 bottles of beer & margaritas? Sounds like the start of a good night out on the piss!!! That budweiser stuff aint cheap…Doesnt taste too good either, wasent worth the hole in my pocket when I bought it.

February 23, 2007

thanks for the advice, im sure we can get through this 😀 xxx

February 23, 2007

ryn – Thank you! 🙂

February 23, 2007

Thats a crazy story about what happened with your ex. I would have walked right out of applebees and said F* this!! You’re strong, that’s awesome! Thanks for your note, and the non-smoking is going really well, thank you for the advice. <3 <3

February 24, 2007

RYN: You love shoveling snow? THEN BY ALL MEANS!! *hands you the shovel* 😛 Well so far I haven’t been able to quit anything.. Go me! lol

Of course you can have a pony. As long as I get a truffle. Ok..2.

February 24, 2007

hmmm…i’ve never had truffles before… ;( i’m gonna go get some…haha

February 26, 2007

Thats so funny! We have too much in common. I loooove split pea soup. I havent had it FOever. Ill have to have my dad make me some. 70? You SUCK! j/k but its freezing ass cold here and 2 nt we are supposed to get up to 2 feet of freaken snow. Thats it. Im moving to Texas. (with all my ex’s…lol)

February 26, 2007

oh! And I got a new job! A GOOD job. I start tomorrow!! Yay!!!

February 27, 2007

Hey how are you? Yea i’m trying to stay strong! School is good even though i have been out for two whole weeks and it feels like months…lol! How you been?