Busy recording things that shouldnt be recorded…

(At your service.)

YAY for Six Flags in San-AnONIO!  Holeee shit.  ‘Twas me, Jeana, James (friend from helping me move!), and Craven (bf, if you’re not updated yet.  He worked major overtime just to come and see me!  ).

I didn’t get much sleep the night before; I knew this was going to be the trip of a lifetime.  Heh heh heh.    (YES my smiley is wearing a hard hat.  If you’re smart, you’ll go get one too before reading this entry.)

James whittled his money away at the games.  Dragged a big gripping Spiderman all over the park- all day.  Really awkward when people thought he had a kid sitting on his shoulders and he’d just dump Spiderman halfway to the ground.  Even more awkward when he fastened Spiderman to his leg and waddled throughout the park. 

The group of us turned lots of heads
I even begun hip hopping to ‘U Dropped a Bomb on Me’.  I shoulda put out a hat! 

Went to the waterpark, too.  Me and James skinned our asses on the big toilet ride.  Spent tons of time on Lazy River. 

Left the park extremely happy campers.  Went to rent a hotel room (parents no know this, nooooo!).

Denied at first hotel.  James (age 25) came out grumpy because they told him NO VACANCY.  His exact words were, "I wasn’t white enough." 

Yay for the second hotel!!  We all took showers; Craven and I together.  WEEEE-OO.  Before you think I’m totally psychotic (which, btw, after the past 2 days I think I am), when the 2 of us dated before we’d had a sexual past (warped but… that’s what it was).  I kinda knew this would happen when we planned the trip. 

Now, Craven is a loud ass ninja (louder than ME!).  Vociferous, egotistic (we’re bein’ honest here, right?), opinionated, metal music producer (he actually just signed on a deal with Sony, yay!), metal vocalist, and on top of that he’s a motherfuckin JUGGALO.  XD
And he was shy.  Extremely charming. 
(Note:  I just offered a few traits that could be considered not so great- he has a longer list of good ones, believe me.)

All of us went errand-ing (we were in Wal-Mart when James decided to drop his pants and wander around with his ass hanging out…) and returned to the hotel room- and the full cooler of alcohol.  Now, I am NOT a drinker (nor a partier, really).  I have never tasted any sort of alcohol except for wine.  James and Jeana are drinkin’ buddies and me and Craven were just sort of there. 
But, since the opportunity had finally presented itself, I’d decided I’d taste whatever they were drinkin.

We put on movie.  Jeana handed me her vodka drink.  Ick.  Sickening.  Then James handed me what HE was drinking.  Holy shit- blew my socks off.  Jeana thought I was fucking krazee.  Never drank before and I bypassed her female fruity concoction for the Bacardi/7 mix.  I even liked the Everclear but passed on that- they didn’t know that I, um, finished the whole freaking cup of Bacardi.    

James was astonished in the morning when he found my cup.  "WOW I’m impressed- you SURE you’ve never drank before?" 

Better yet, I drank almost as much as Jeana and she was DRUNK whereas I barely felt a buzz. 
Ehh. *Waves*  LOL  

And then the nightmare happened with Jeana and James… Apparently they started gettin’ freaky and James FELL ASLEEP

It was 0209 in the morning when James starts snoring, Jeana says, "FUCK," and begins smoking a cigarette in the corner. 
I almost ripped that son of a bitch out of bed and pummeled him.

But she went to sleep ok and Craven and I resumed um… yea.  This is getting personal BUT at one point I’d been very sexually active.  However, once I realized what a mistake it was at the age I was at, I stopped everything.  Completely.  For YEARS. 
We did NOT have sex despite some major close calls- we were gifted with MAJOR delayed reaction/reluctance- "Umm, how did this happen?"  "Umm, I don’t know… this isn’t good"  "No.  Oops.") .  I drew the line there (NO pregnancy… NO kids… DANCER, thank you very much) and he accepted that.  Good boy, if I may say so myself. 
It seemed fitting in a weird way however that he had been my first and now after waiting for so long, it was like he was my first again.
It is VERY fun in the sense that we go together so perfectly from size to preferences…

ANYWAY, (ahem) all that aside it was so amazing just to be able to spend some time with him and we talked for a lot of the night and just held each other.  We DID sleep from 0530-0730 during which apparently Jeana and James both woke up and tried to fuck but he fell asleep again??  ::throws hands in air::  I don’t fucking know.

It was so… perfect waking up next to him.  Yes, we’re falling hard…  BOOM!  Hehehe!  
Then of course we had to take another shower, this one an hour and a half long.  *Shakes head*  This time, there was NO shyness.  Oooh-weee

And at some point during the night I was squashed inbetween James and Craven, all of us half naked.  THAT was a little odd…

LOL, when Craven and I woke up we began talking again… poor James was trying to go back to sleep at that time.
James:  "Shut the fuck up!"  *Groan*
*Annoying whispering*

Damn, go to sleeeep!"
*Quieter whispers- laughter*
WHOMP!  A pair of pants hits Craven in the head. 
I look and go, "What the- James-?"
Sure enough, the boy is now completely naked, rolling around in bed and moaning, "I SAID, be quieeet!!!!"

I have seen enough of naked people in the past 2 days to last me for a while.

But here’s the best story ever- there was no lock on our bathroom door for SOME odd reason.  So, while Craven and I were distracted in the shower, James came in and out of the bathroom, randomly flushing the toilet… and he took our towels. 
When we were finally done and opened the shower curtain… not only were the towels gone, but so were our clothes and even the toilet paper.

Weeee rampage…!   I walked OUT of the bathroom and almost ran STRAIGHT into James. 

He bursts into giggles (I’m completely naked, btw) and runs off.  I look for the towels, figuring they were on the sink outside.  Nope.  EVERYTHING was gone, toiletries, kleenex…  I said slowly, "JAMES.  WHERE ARE THE TOWELS?!"

*Jeana and James laughter*


*Sounds of Jeana wanting to get me a towel and James yelling, "NO NO NO!"*


He walks back to me, holding a dry washcloth inbetween his index finger and thumb, hands it to me and runs off, giggling.

I’m laughing HARD now but still… towel.  "JAMES-"

*More laughter, but James runs over with a hand towel* 

I stomp after him into the main room… and see ALL of Cravens and my shit, INCLUDING the extra toilet paper rolls, trash cans… ROLLED up in all of our bedsheets. 

I almost DIED laughing because I have no idea where the towels are, where my clothes are, I am completely naked, James and Jeana can’t get ahold of themselves, and Craven is in the bathroom, wrapped modestly in the shower curtain calling, "[Inmate]… James… Jeana… Where are the towels? Ummm…"

…It was very clever.  Quite awkward but clever.  I gave James MAJOR props

Jeana was very upset over her experience and I felt REALLY bad and… I don’t know.  That part sucked, but I think they’ve made up somewhat.

I feel REALLY bad for whoever had to clean that room… LOL

YAY, story time done now.  : )

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black bondage pants, black tank top, white ball jersey.  Hair is definitely DOWN.
Feeling::  A little sore.  A little hungry.  A little ecstatic.  A little sleepy.
Last ate::  Starbucks Grande Mocha Frappucino.  It was much needed this afternoon…
Reading::  ‘Psychic Warrior’ by David Morehouse

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June 14, 2007

I’m glad the boy makes you happy. But he should know that if he makes you unhappy in any way, I’m gonna hit him with a shovel or give him some face time with Sweet Lady Brick. Okay? =)

June 14, 2007

What a great trip! Wonder if James has some kind of sleeping condition. I’ve never known a guy to turn down a chance at sex! ** giggling **

June 14, 2007

i;’m agreeing ith th james on here…he hurts you he’ll get a big kick in the face…..i’m glad ou had an awsome time in many manyways <333

June 14, 2007

Wow!! sounds like crazy insane fun times. I couldn’t really stop laughing through most of this entry , so thanks for the laughs. 🙂 I’m glad all is well for you. Please take care of yourself and stay wonderful. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi P.S. thank you for your notes for they brought a smile to my face…you are too kind for words. ~Randi

June 14, 2007

HAhahahahahahahahaha!! That was brilliant. Sounds like SO much fun!

June 14, 2007

Mmm…shower sex…haven’t done that in a long time. Jason and I clicked much the same way you and Craven did. With us, without ever having disucssed our prefrences, we just seemed to know the first time we had sex. Granted, we like almost all of the same things, but it was freaky how we just seemed to know that the other one liked it, too.

June 15, 2007

xD Misssstresss, you had a ball, yes?

June 15, 2007

don’t take that out of context. ;B

June 15, 2007

RYN: I just posted a picture or 3 🙂 Chris

June 15, 2007

you naked? *checks your age* too bad i missed it. running around too

June 15, 2007

Sounded like fun. I’m thinking I need more female friends like you who’ll walk around naked in front of me & laugh… Wait! They laugh at me now… Nevertheless, I am also in agreement w/ james & rage. If he hurts ya, after they’re done with ‘im, I’ll take pleasure in “powerbombing his ass through a table of butcher knives” as per Vampiro from Twiztid’s “Freekshow”. Glad yer happy. Keep dancin’

June 15, 2007

EYN– That bat was for you, YEH FECKIN LUNATIC. <3 xD

June 19, 2007

Don’t talk about you being naked without pics. Isn’t that a rule? 😉 Sounds like you had a lot of fun. That’s cool. 🙂 {X}