Budding Hip Hop Crew, ATX!

My thought lately is to create a hip hop crew.  I don’t know how I would get it started though, because I don’t know anyone who is as hardcore into hip hop as I am.  Maybe I could post shit up at school and my dance studio, but… Austin is poo when it comes to getting crunk.  Austin fucking sucks.  No one’s hardcore about anything, they’re a load of pussies.  But there’s gotta be some few in this damn city that can break and hip hop and lock worth a shit… I just don’t know how to find them.  Maybe I can ask my break teacher.  He’d probably have something, or at least some ideas for me.  Gah… It’s annoying me.  I want some people who can hip hop and we can blow this whole state away.  Y-EA!  If anyone reads this and is interested and lives around the austin Texas area, hit me up!  KararanJ@aol.com .  I’d appreciate it and would love getting in contact, if not to crew up, then to just share interests. 

I just spent the last hour in my room choreographing a minute and a half of a new hip hop solo.  I haven’t been able to find the right music, and I just found it.  It’s rad.  I never thought I’d say the word rad, but I just did.  I said it twice.  Argh.  Heh.  Radical.  Woooo.  Neutralize free radicals, Bi-itch!

Haven’t seen ex.  Have given up.  Don’t care anymore.  Furious.  ::shrugs::  As I say, life throws a lot of shit your way, and it just sucks when you can’t catch.



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May 8, 2007

Hmmm, too bad I wasn’t younger & in Austin. Tho, I can’t dance worth a shit, I’d need to be taught. But I sooo would have done it. 😉 You ever get the cru together? Hip Hopper Gangsta in Texas is definitely unique. Not all girls are cowgirls out there then, eh? lol. kidding. 😉 Just because a girl doesn’t use a rope & lasso things, doesn’t mean she isn’t cool in Texas. And sometimes ppl grow

May 8, 2007

apart & it sucks. Also, Ya know as I read these I am reading your interests to the left more & would love to talk about each subject with you one day. 😉 Very interesting. Can you contort yourself into a box? I seen that shit, it’s impressive. I can or used to fold myself in half when stretching for wrestling. It’s fascinating what you can stretch yourself into with some time & effort. 😉