Brother… Ex…

My brother’s stationed in Biloxi, MS.  So, Hurricane Katrina tried to flatten the base, but I think he’s okay.  The military have a knack for survival.  But, I just hope his computer is okay, otherwise everyone he knows (including me) is in for a hell of a time.  We won’t know if he’s ok for a while, but we’re pretty sure he’s alright.  We should get a call after Wednesday, near the end of the week.

My ex is coming back from Iraq September 6th.  Actually, he’s leaving on the sixth.  We don’t know when he’s coming back, but he should be on leave on the fifteenth.  I’m so excited it’s really crazy.  I’m just so glad to know he’s okay, and he’s going to be coming back.  He’s getting married, but FUCK he’s ok, I really don’t care as long as he’s ok. 

I’m so glad he’s ok.  I can’t stress that enough.  I can’t wait to see him.  I was like, "He’s ok."  And then I was crying, adn I was like, "What the fuck.  This is the guy I gotta pretend I don’t love anymore."  And I was still like, "Fuck… but he’s ok.  He’s ok.  He’s ok." 

It was ballin!    



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May 9, 2007

Good to know your loved ones ended up safe from harm in Iraq. So many ppl have lost their lives out there & it sucks….