Brief interjection-

I did 9 coupe turns (pirouettes) today!  Go me!  It was a first, so I’m really excited.  Only done 8 before.  O.O

I’ve been playing catch up after getting back from Atlanta- I’ll write about the rest of the trip maybe tomorrow?

Oh yea, we sold our house!  We’ll move in 2 months.  Don’t know where, but we’ll move.  : )  Yay! 
And our water heater is broke.  We’ve been taking lukewarm baths in two inches of water in water collected from the leaky faucets.  

Now, two quizzes for no reason whatsoever (Sorry, I forgot to save the links- they’re off 




 What’s Your Sex Appeal?

You Are 77% Sexy

Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High

You’re very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room.
You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing.







 How rare is your personality?

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISTP)

Your personality type is reserved, methodical, spirited, and intense.

Only about 6% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 8% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving.

(I think this is ANYTHING but accurate… but okay.  Sure!
It’s probably one of my personalities, anyway…)</div>




†  INMATE  †


Wearing::  Gray cut off sweatpants, green razorback tank, white sweatshirt.
Feeling::  Hungry, happy.
Last ate::  Garlic salsa and tortilla chips.  Mmm.
Listening to::  CNN.

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April 12, 2007

You should move to CT. Not that I’m biased or anything. But it WOULD make it easier for you to bling out my Christmas tree Star Wars-style. =)

April 12, 2007

*looks at the personality thing* Isn’t that what dance IS? Spiritual, methodical, and intense? I think it’s quite accurate. 😉 Hehehe. *huggles*

April 12, 2007

Welcome Back!

April 12, 2007

I have to read the last entry as I was just about to ask you what happened with the trip. I’m beginning to think NC SHOULD be grouped with the south after this incident. My friend on here got her visitor’s guide no problem, but I seem to be solicited for $10. That’s EVIL SOUTH if I ever heard of it. lol. 77% Sexy. 77 is my favorite number….hmmm. And that was quick, I think. When did you put y

April 12, 2007

your house up for sale? I hope whenever I am ready, my house sells quick. If you ever want to live in Arizona for a little bit, then come out here & you can stay with me. 😉 I have room in my house. 😀 Hope your Easter was good, too. Take Care & see ya in another entry…. {X}

April 15, 2007

Congrat’s on the pirouettes, selling your house, & sorry about your hot water heater. That’s gotta suck! I like your spinning Hatchet Man. I also see that your age has now increased by one. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!