Breakin’, poppin’ and splooshin’!

Last night I was breakin’.  I did a K-kick and all my weight was on my right arm when my shoulder *popped* out of socket.     Baaaaad timing.
(However, if there had been a video camera on me, this’d be one of the things I’d love to watch in slow mo-)
I slowly buckled, all my weight coming down on the side of my head and the shoulder that wasn’t connected anymore.  I even stayed down for a minute.  Usually when I hurt something, I just look confused and keep going.
I’m used to it though… my shoulder has problems staying in sometimes.  That’s why I started lifting weights in the first place, to strengthen the ligaments.
My shoulder has an awesomely massive purple bruise on it now.  More battle scars!  Sweet! 

I’m really hyper but I don’t want to dance right now and exhaust myself for tomorrow- I have another dance convention Friday & Saturday, Image Dance.  I won a scholarship there last year, so… but it’s more 8 hour dancing days.  We’ll see how it goes.  ^_^
I think I’m recovered enough to be ready!

And last night I spilled pickle juice all over myself and the kitchen.    I don’t know why they make PLASTIC JARS so damn hard to open.  Hehe.  It went SPLOOSH.  My parents weren’t too pleased, LOL.  (My clothes are still drying in the bathtub, ahem…)
But it was worth it… they’re the big, sour pickles.  *Drool* 
Luckily I’m the kind of person who has alarmingly low blood pressure and basically has to drink pickle juice to keep from passing out whenever I stand up.  Plus, it keeps me hydrated because I also tend to forget that I have to drink to stay alive*Nod*

Annnnnnnnnnnd… I’m out.  ::flips off light switch::

-= INMATE =-

Wearing:: Cut-off dark gray chlorine splattered sweatpants (I practically live in the like of these), maroon athletic top.
Last ate::  Egg/Cheese/Turkey sandwich thing I made and Mini wheats dunked in ice cream.  HOLY SHIT it was good but now I’m hyper. 
Listening to::  ‘Shame’ by System of a Down & Wu-Tang Clan

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August 2, 2007

lol, i luvs that pickle juice too. and i had my shoulder popped out of its socket b4, yeah when i was pulled abruptly and thrown to the ground..yeah dnt ask.

August 2, 2007

am I the only one in the world that loves sweet pickles over sour pickles? lol Sour pickles are good, but sweet pickles are the best. I don’t eat alot of pickles, so I had no idea they were now in plastic jars instead of glass ones. When the heck did this happen? haha lol Good luck at the convention!

August 2, 2007

Pickle juice is so sticky… I was making a tuna fish sandwich the other day and I put a pickle in it and the juice spilled on the counter and on me. I was stickly all day. And, not in a good way! ha ha

August 2, 2007

Ouch…that sounds painful!

August 2, 2007

And I love pickles! I don’t eat a ton of them, but sometimes my boyfriend says my kisses taste like pickles…hahaha!

August 2, 2007

Yikes! You need to be more careful with you!

August 2, 2007

Gods, I’ve gotten baby food al lover me for that exact same reason. What I found works really well for glass jars is wedging a spoon between the cap and the glass and prying outwards. It pops the seal if you do it right and makes them easier to open.

August 3, 2007

ooooo sounds painful.wouldve been cool if u had a video! my boyfriend is ever so proud of the video of him breaking his ankle…..whereas it makes e feel a bit sick!lol

August 3, 2007

I thought getting the spins when you get up is high blood pressure?

August 3, 2007

…yup your insane. you’ve dislocated it multiple times.. that sucks when i was in brazil i was doing capoeira almost everyday. thank god i didnt do it 8 hours a day though. d@mn

August 4, 2007

Hey, thanks for the note. Good luck with your convention! 🙂

August 8, 2007

Jesus Jumped-Up Christ! You have a huge f’ing bruise on your shoulder that popped out of place during a dance move?!? I’d say get 2 a hospital quick or @ least a doctor. It could B serious. I don’t want 2 say it, but a “u-know-what”-ender. Of course it’s easy 4 me 2 say as I’m Canadian, & medical is covered by the gov’t. I REALLY hope you’re alright. Lemme know. Your pal –

August 9, 2007

pickle juice, then mini-wheats dipped in ice cream? egg turkey sandwhich? What is your stomach CAST IRON or sumthing? ugh…You drinking your water, kid? You better be. You can’t stay alive with cafeeine, pickle juice & whatever concoctions you have forever….sheesh. Hope your shoulder is healed. You are a dancing warrior for sure. Still waiting for that YOUTUBE video for you to release one day