Biznass. *EDIT*

First order of business- the Beyonce audition is this Saturday.  ZOMG  Wish me HELLA luck- I’mna need it.  (And the moral support when I get rejected.  Hehe.  But it will definitely be good for me!)

Second order of business-  I am back at work, so I can reply to notes and check my favorites without taking 2 minutes to load a single page!  YAAAAAY!

Third order of business-  Well, what IS my secret phobia?   I’m afraid you haven’t guessed it–
I suffer from Pediophobia, a fear of dolls.  …Yes.  Pretty embaressing.  (As well as Asthenophobia, but this is Hush-Hush.)

Fourth order of business- ::scratches head::  I don’t remember.  Dammit.  Figures.

I got a lotta work to do so I’ll maybe add more later. 

Peace and chicken grease.


†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  Dark gray cut-off sweats, bright pink muscle shirt that says FIERCE on the front, GANGSTA on the back, and my awesome white sweatshirt.
Feeling::  I think I got butterflies in my stomach already. 

I have no idea what to wear still.  I’m just going to bring me a mini suitcase.
Also… in all of my research, I have yet to see a white girl in a picture or video auditioning for Beyonce.  >.<
It doesn’t intimidate me but… that might hurt my chances. 
OR, if Beyonce is trying to be racially fair, I may have a hella good chance.  LOL.
No, I’m not anticipating making the audition BUT I am anticipating on learning a good deal.
It’s my first professional audition.  ::nods::  Go me for having the balls!! : D

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January 4, 2007

You’re gonna kick ass, no matter what the outcome is. Just dance your heart out. Even if you don’t get the gig, you could still impress someone. =)

January 4, 2007

Yes hunny theres talking cats (they sound like they are talking) lol ill give u the link to the video. lol its proof =D Also happy new yr to u too hun Have fun and be safe Aubrey

January 4, 2007

Beyonce! Are you auditioning to be in a Beyonce music video? That’d be amazing! I’m sure you’ll do wonderfully. And who isn’t at least a little asthenophobic? It’s the human condition. 😉 Or… part of it.

January 4, 2007

Hey! I just found you on random. I thought that might be worthy of a note. 🙂

January 4, 2007

being scared of dolls isnt too bad, my fiance is scared of clowns n so am i and im boring n scared of spiders n heights lol xxx

*scratches head* You’re afraid of dolls? what?! No trip down the Barbie Isle Eh?

January 4, 2007

what is the Beyonce audition?! Good luck!!! You will do great!! Hey…your afraid of dolls? Well the creep me out. But I am horribly afraid of birds. Terrified. I cant even eat birds cause its so gross. Funny huh?

January 4, 2007

RYN: I guess I cant read. I was like auction, what? But its AUDITION. haha. Thats awesome! Good luck!!

January 4, 2007

Also RYN: Naaw, I dont really care for football.

January 4, 2007

*hugs back* I’m sure you’ll do wondefully! If you get the job, it might just make me go see Beyonce, I have to admit. 😉 If you don’t then at least you’ll have the experience to show for it! And it’ll be her loss anyway, heheh.

January 4, 2007

Ryn: alot of people needto be stabbed but it will have to wait for you to become a famous dancer That way its easier to hide the bodies >.>…<.<…good luck even though i know you don't need it <333 i love that song too XD

January 4, 2007

aw i have weak knuckles but the more i push myself the tuffer they get lol.i cant really work my upper body since they are already muscular from work – but the lower body needs alot of work lol..hopefully 3 hours of gym 3 days a week is enough .. Don’t fear saturday!!! It will be a blast!!! Live on the suspense!

January 4, 2007

MN Wild is our hockey team. You guys in Texas got our old team. =P

January 4, 2007

I dont like the cold either and I have lived in MN my whole life! I love baseball. I want to watch it NOW. lol.

January 4, 2007

Woman, concentrate on HAPPY thoughts: “I’m gonna do fan-spankin-tastic at my beyonce audition.” Be confident, know you’re good. Practice enough so you can get through it with absolute ease and knock Beyonce off her feet…(Or, as my boyfriend calls her, Be-yonk-ee)

January 4, 2007

RYN1: That’s my sister’s tree. Kinda pear-shaped, isn’t it? RYN2: My memory is pretty good, but not that good. I skimmed my diary in order to flesh out the recap. =)

January 4, 2007

RYN: how am i a strong woman….anyway lets hug lmfao

January 4, 2007

RYN: thanks for the encouragement! And break a leg at the audition! That must be intense, but it’s awesome that you’re going for it.

January 5, 2007

Go for you having balls! 🙂 *hugs* You’ll do wunderbar!

*crosses fingers, toes, arms…even legs* ;-P

January 5, 2007

It’s awesome that you’ve got the balls to go for it, but knowing that ruins a few fantasies of mine. *a-wink*

January 5, 2007

aww! i know i am and proud 😛 xxx

January 5, 2007

I have a strange fear too, although I don’t know if there is an actual word for it: talking on the phone. I put off returning phone calls for MONTHS or I make my hubby call for me, even to make doctors appointments and things. I really need to get over it 🙂

January 5, 2007

Maybe she doesn’t have any white girls because she hasn’t found the perfect one yet. That would INCREASE your chances!

January 5, 2007

im a vet assist and kennel worker. its we did a c-section on a english bulldog .. one of them had a pilates lip or w/e they call it.

January 5, 2007

Good luck!

January 5, 2007

Best of luck, break a leg, and whatever else kind of luck. As for no white girls, she can’t be no playa-hayta. Best of all, you’re a Juggalette, you don’t needs no luck. But I’m wishin’ it anyways.

January 6, 2007

Good luck today!

January 7, 2007

I decided to keep this diary around long enough to find out about the audition. Good luck. ~DK