Beyonce audition. O.O *Edit*

So, Beyonce is holding an OPEN audition in Houston on January 6 for her WORLD TOUR because she’s looking for "untapped talent and potential". 

So, holy shit.

So, I have to look this up and convince my mom and myself that I can do this.

So, dance for Beyonce.

Would I even have a snowball’s chance in HELL?

Imagine if I got that job.

::spazzes out::

I’m going look it up now.  I just got too excited and had to write it down before I exploded.  Hehe. 
Wow, all the guys I know would be sooo mad, LOL.

Peace.  : )



I’m in thinking mode instead of reaction mode now. 

Losing weight is an absolute necessity because I’m completely fat next to Beyonce who lost weight for that Dreamgirls movie.  
Losing weight is okay- I started a little while ago (I know, I know, what freak LOSES weight during Christmas season?) and as long as I’ve started, it’s no problem to keep going for 3 weeks. 
I’ll lose 1-2 pounds a week so six pounds would put me at 124-125.  I think that would be fine.

ACTUALLY, I just looked up Beyonce’s weight and it’s said to be at 128 pounds.  ::scratches head::  So I shouldn’t go lower than 125.  Those who you dance for don’t appreciate their dancers looking better/skinnier than them and they won’t hire you.  She’s 5’7 and I’m 5’2 so that’s perfect. 
ZOMG I have no idea what to wear.  What does Beyonce wear besides nothing?  Ohhhhhhh…
Ugh I’m nervous already.  My mom has taken it in stride… my dad has no idea what a big deal this is but if my mom and I have it our way he’ll even drive…

The audition is January 6 with about 500 of my closest dancing friends from Texas and the surrounding states

Because of that, I don’t think I’d have a great chance of making it HOWEVER, it does need a good checking out and I am going to give it my all…

It’s not like I’ve never been rejected before. 

So much for a non-stressful vacation…
But, shit!

It’s Beyonce!! 


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December 18, 2006

What an amazing opportunity. Very best of luck to you. Just remember DK when you are a world famous choreographer. If I ever need a dancer for one of my ovies or TV shows I will know who to call. ~DK

December 18, 2006

I have not had much time this past week. I have been busy with a few projects. Maybe I will try to put something together. Just give me a topic and I will write about it. ~DK

December 18, 2006

I’m 121bls so if you ever want any advice, let me know. I usually start off with eating light, I don’t have to change my diet, I just eat light and then, work out every day, doing some kinda cardio, cardio burns calories, but not to do too much, cuase even if you feel like doing 4 hours worth when you haven’t worked out that long, can make you feel overwhelmed and then you wont. Keep dancing too

December 18, 2006

that really helps. And that’s awesome that you get that chance. I hope things work well for you. And gluck. 🙂 Thanks for the note.

December 18, 2006

I say go for it. The worst that happens is that you’re back where you started, and the best means a huge opportunity. Go for it! RYN: You are too adorable. *laughs* I would have LOVED to have seen that.

December 18, 2006

Your welcome. 🙂

December 18, 2006

Dance your heart out and I think you will be surprised. Good luck! ~DK

December 18, 2006

Ill write about anything and everything. I pretend to be an expert on everything. 😉 ~DK

December 18, 2006

RYN: *hugs* Anytime. I’m happy to be one of the many cheering you on.

YOU CAN DO IT!!! You can do it all night loooooooooong! *giggles* My favourite line from The Waterboy. You go GIRL!

December 18, 2006

OMGAWDZ Good luck on the audition!! I’ll keep you in my thoughts for sure, that sounds like an AMAZING opportunity. Thanks for the note, by the way. I’m a crazy English major who likes to go back to her mathematic roots once in a while 😉

December 18, 2006

Well, you may have been rejected before, but you’ve also been accepted before, right? Just be confident and think positive. Imagine yourself running through your audition flawlessly. Can’t wait, my fingers and toes are crossed for you!

December 18, 2006

who the f*ck is Beyonce? just kidding ;^)

December 18, 2006


December 19, 2006

RYN: I wouldn’t ask if you were okay. You would provide a welcome injection of color into my world. =)

December 20, 2006


December 20, 2006

RYN: Yup, you have to think positive. Think about getting accepted, and how great you’ll look when you’re up there!

December 20, 2006

Of course you can make it. You’re a juggalo… Juggalette… You know know what I mean. When you’re galavanting all over the world, I’ll likely miss you’re nearly daily notes on my blog, but at least I’ll sort of know someone famous kind of, in a round about sort of way. If you come to my town I might even shell out the cash just to see you dance. Which will you be? The one on the far right?

December 30, 2006

Hey how are you? I have been dealing with the military since i was last on here. I apologize~! so auditions huh? sounds good. well get back at me and take care!