Avoiding the flaming lawn.

Wearing::  Dark gray cut off sweatpants with bleach stains and a Reebok magenta athletic top.
Feeling::  Tired… but happy.  BIG change from yesterday.  O.O
Eating::  Reheat spaghetti with barbecued hot dogs in it.  OH MAN I love food.  And reheat spaghetti is better than fresh.  KNOW that, homie. 

Anyway, so my Fourth of July was pretty ballin.  I went over to my homie’s house… he/his parents was/were having a little parteh goin’ on so my parents and I went to attend.  USUALLY on the Fourth, my parents and I and my current boyfriend usually light fireworks off at the end of our driveway.  My homie usually has these killer ass fireworks going on at the same time and we’re all yelling at them because… with fireworks… it gets personal.  Whoever has the biggest fireworks is like the person with the biggest dick.  I’m sorry, but that’s the way it goes. 
So this year Kelly, my homie, invited us and I was like HELL YEA!  We hadn’t bought any fireworks anyway.  So, it was raining and that added some excitement to our night but it was not to be imagined that the rain would ruin our fireworks.  Our DEMOLITIONS!  Hahaha!  So… Kelly’s dad makes the awesomest salsa.  It’s all homemade, homegrown vegetables and all… it was the shit.  I ate at least two cups of the shit.  I was in HEAVEN.  Chips and salsa, for your information, is the food I eat when I’m stressed.  OR bored.  LOL.  Chips and salsa has got to be my favorite food. 
ANYWAY.  We were standing in the rain watching fireworks… the Octopus to be exact.  No one knew what the OCtopus did so we were all kinda excited… and then the next thing that happens is one of my friends starts screaming, "MOVE!  MOVE!" as his ass is running everywhere.  I all take the time to look behind me and in a flat second I realize that the fucking lawn is spewing flame.  One of the octopi tentacles apparently had touched down directly behind me and lit the lawn on fire.  I bolted out of the way and everyone started laughing.  The rain immediately put it out, but I could have burned to death.  I started laughing, too.  AFTER I checked to make sure that my ass wasn’t on fire or something.  Yea.  Funneh. Heh heh.  And then we went inside and everyone made me eat more delicious salsa and some chocolate cake and we went and watched Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Something to do with me hanging out with a bunch of guys, I don’t know.  I’m used to the odd things we do and the odd things guys talk about by now. 


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July 10, 2006

WHenever I re-heat spaghetti it always dries out. Sucks. Man, I want some spaghetti now.