An Old OD Theme of the Week…

Things that have happened to you/that you have done only once in your entire life.




 A glimpse of INMATE’S LIST!


Stood on the sidelines of a football game with the NY Giants. (They truly are giant…)

Had Shane Sparks say he loved me and wanted to see his choreography on me

Completed 10 flawless pirouettes. (13 in tap shoes… with witnesses!!)

Ran two miles. Haha.

Was held at knifepoint

Wore all red in NYC Chinatown with my pant leg rolled up

Had a regret… and never quite figured out what it is.

Seen a kid knocked out so bad he started seizing.

Got suspended from school

Ran for my life

Shook hands with a genius (Wade Robson)

Been stranded by myself in some little town completely across the United States from home with 3 suitcases, no friendlies, no phone and no idea what to do next.

Manual labored (moved boxes) for 36 hours straight with no break.

Not left a tip at a restaurant for poor service

Performed the Soulja Boy for the benefit of an entire unsuspecting bowling alley.

Hotel room all to myself, so I decided to share it with a friend.

Liked a guy who didn’t like me back

Rode in the trunk of a car

Stood in the ocean

Threw up in public

Broke up a fistfight

Driven upwards of 30 mph

Had a girl kiss me (I was 4…)

Eaten sushi (Never again, either.)

Worn a miniskirt in public

Been sent to the poison control center for eating air fresheners (I was little…)

Gotten really mad at a really good friend

Returned something that I stole. LOL.

Had someone try to instigate a fight with me

Changed oil in a vehicle

Road tripped with a friend

Seen someone smoke crack in the middle of the street

Sat at the bar in a restaurant.

Seen the statue of liberty


              Worn a tube top

Wearing::  Gray capri Nike pants, dark gray shirt with blue rhinestones and purple graffiti letters that say, "Drop beats not bombs"
Feeling::  Tired.  Reluctant.  Lazy.  I am procrastinating.

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Sounds awesome… this list… ~Kon

June 30, 2008

This was a very revealing list. I can’t believe you’ve only ridden in a car trunk once! =)

June 30, 2008

That’s a neat list!

June 30, 2008

I had a guy hold a gun on me once. Probably a regular thing in TX, but ’round here, not so much. I was… Catatonic as a result… Very sureal. / What were you suspended from school for? / I performed “I’m A Little Teapot” in front of a crowded movie theatre once. / I met, “marked”, & shook Bret “The Hitman” Hart’s hand last Nov. Pretty cool, huh?