Alone, Abandoned, and at Tremaine.

Time:: 9:57 am
Listening to:: ‘Aint Yo Bidness’ ICP. I’m also playing a game of Hearts… this time I’m winning 3 to 54, 4, and 17.
Wearing:: Black parachute pants and a black sleeveless shirt with slashed zippers that are open to show red sports bra, and red and black pony jacket.  Underneath it all is a rolled down black leotard and pink tights- I had ballet tonight.  ^_^
Woke up:: 11:13 am
Last ate:: Uhh… Corn and bean salsa with tortilla chips and cheese, and chocolate milk.  LOL

I just got back from Dallas on a dance convention… it was pretty cool.  I’m getting over some really bad shinsplints, so I’m pretty happy.  I almost finished my hip hop solo today.  That makes me even happier, even though I’m really, really shot.  I’m so tired.  I’ve been dancing like crazy, and I haven’t danced for a month or so before that.  Or anything really hardcore.  What was really pretty weird though, is at the convention I really dug the tap class… about as much as the hip hop class.  I really wish the teacher was a little older and more interested in other people rather than his 18-year-old self, because that is the class that’s supposed to get me somewhere, because hip hop is my specialty.  And ballet.  And apparently tap, but I haven’t been taught for very long in that aspect.  Well, I’ve been taught for a while just not really good or hard.  So… yea. 
I went to the convention without my mother… it was a first!  I roomed with one of my girls and it was alright.  I liked it. 
And I rode with them too. 
Except the end of the trip, Sunday, I threatened to stay in Dallas.  Needless to say, nobody (especially my parents) liked that idea.  The thing was, my ride told me I had to pack immediatley to be out of the room, and didn’t tell me until 9:30 or so, and I had classes I had to be in, so I packed in two minutes.  They said I had to be back in the room at 11:30 after class and they’d meet me there and we’d bring my stuff down… well, they didn’t show up and I was trying to get ahold of them… they finally called me at twelve adn said they were fucking leaving early and missing the faculty show (where all of your professional teachers dance) and I basically said FUCK NO I’m not leaving early!  So I had a half an hour to secure a ride, and I couldn’t get ahold of anyone and I was really pissed.  They couldn’t come to help me because they were trying to feed the girls, and I was like "What about me? Y’all just made me pack all MY shit!"  So I finally found one of the girls to take me home, and I had a few minutes to throw some salad down my throat.  So I was pretty grumpy, but in the end it all worked out okay so it was worth it.  : )  I got to see the faculty show.  Hehe.  Yea.
Umm… I don’t think there’s really anything else going on.  I have little drama in my life because my life is spent at the studio.  I think it’s fun, so that’s where I stay and I just dance.  That’s my happy place and I don’t have to think about anything else but me and my body and the space I’m in. 
OH I bought a hat… it’s black.  It was awesome.  LOL
Yea.  That’s it.
PZ motherfacko.


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May 9, 2007

Does Chocolate Milk even go with corn & bean dip with tortilla & Cheese? LOL What an adventure in Dallas. All these girls & rides, it sucks to have to count on somebody else to drive you everywhere. I’d have done it tho. When you believe in someone & believe in their talent, you do anything you can to help them. Why don’t you drive again? And was the hat you bought, the hat in the one pic?