Activities as of late.

I’m exhausted (again).  I feel like Sven looks. 

…If you guessed ‘DEAD’, someone should give you a cookie.  A really, really, REALLY tasty one. 

And I’m still starving.  Last night I went out to eat (with Kelly!  He’s on leave!  Yay!) and ate my whole plate of Mexican food and could have ordered a whole nother plate.  It was embaressing/completely awesome.
I have no idea how many calories I’m supposed to be consuming at the moment.  I’m eating 2200 approximately and I’m gaining a little but I think that’s purely because I’m consuming so much food and liquid.
My body fat and appearance is staying the same so…  *Shrug*

BOOT CAMP:  Last year I puked (and, not meaning to be conceited, but I’m one of the best in shape here at the studio).  Every year girls cry.  My teacher used to be 7th Ms. Fitness in the World or something crazy.  Her nickname used to be Hitler because she was so strict.
So this year I decided to take the little kid camp AND the older kid camp.  (You know, an hour and a half isn’t hardkore enough, Inmate has to go three hours.)
Sure, Inmate.  Whatever.
Monday was strength training/cardio.  Didn’t hurt me too bad.  The teacher’s husband came in to "try it" because he thought it was going to be a "waste of his time" and he left halfway through to go home and puke.  A little girl cried.
Tuesday was kickboxing.  We did abs, too.  Two older girls cried.  Have I mentioned that I pulled my oblique muscle a few weeks ago?  That was raw skill– it’s still bothering me. 
Wednesday was strength training/cardio.  FUNNY!  I was so sore.
Today I ran at least a mile.  I actually finished 2nd in the older kid group (out of 30- 40) behind only the girl who hadn’t been to all the boot camp sessions!  I was extremely proud of myself.  A handful of older girls cried.

But now.  NOW.  I have a break!  Blessed BE. 

We goin’ buy Kolaches and make S’mores and buy knives and watch movies…
It’s going to be great!

I need to utilize the refresher facilities.  My bladder is requiring immediate attention.

Kelly and I hung out last night and it was GREAT.  I missed the ninja SO much… his surgery did not go well… he’s still got a killer limp and it hurts the hell out of him.  : (  It hurts me just to see it.  And if it doesn’t heal on its own now, they’re throwing him out of the Corps. 
I’m not going into details but it’s so unfair and it makes me SO mad and there’s nothing I can say to make it better…

LOL.  He’s taking percosset for the pain and so his driving was a little entertaining.  I’m surprised I’m alive, actually. 

Craven’s bugging me lately.  I don’t know why.  I’ll figure it out when I wake up or something.  I might just be THAT tired, cuz I think I’m feeling that way towards anyone I have to talk to.

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Dark gray chlorinated sweatpants, white muscle tank, white sports bra, white sweatband.
Last ate::  *Blush*  Kidney beans, hummus, and some pita chips.  It was REALLY good, whatever the cadence I’ll be able to fart later. 
Feeling:: Successfully and sufficiently exhausted.

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August 9, 2007

Um… do I want to know what you’re buying the knives for? lol I don’t even remember the last time I did a workout. P.E. my freshman year of highschool, almost six years ago now? (yikes!) I’m ashamed of myself… S’MORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (don’t mind me, I’m just crazy…)

August 9, 2007

A few years ago I tried out 4 a pro-wrestling school. Initially it was 2 become a ref, but they said I was 2 big o’ guy, so I opted 4 training as a wrestler. During the tryout, Crash worked me so hard, that I was pukin’ up buckets. It was cool. I had 2 quit, because I sucked (poor cardio), + I hurt my kidneys from taking bad “bumps”. I hope your friend Kelly is alright. How’d he get hurt? –

sounds like you’ve been busy 😛 Good luck!! Don’t end up like Sven … there are too few people whoc ould appreciate such good looks … and I’m sure the screaming gets annoying after a while. ;P RYN: lists are ALWAYS good. Thanks!

August 9, 2007

Was it real kickboxing, elbows & knees to the head like that english fulla on UFC sesson 3??? Real kick boxing / Muay Tai fully sick I luv it

August 9, 2007

When I was doing the gym thing a few years ago, Pookys friend make us do all this cardio…I puked my ring out a few times…He also made us do a lil boxing 1 on 1 with him…I never told him I know a lil kick boxing & would get up close with a elbow to his face =P

August 9, 2007

RYN: “Kicks shower chair” — YOU ROCK MY WORLD!!!! =)

August 9, 2007

Farting is great AND funny! hee hee You are tiring me out with 3 hours!!! Holy cow!!! You’re going to be in the best shape of your entire life! Enjoy the s’mores. MMMmmmmmmm

August 10, 2007

craven is scared of his rival david

August 10, 2007

and by david i mean kelly…i’m high stut up

August 10, 2007

You are a freaking dynamo. I can’t believe you can move, let alone dance. =) Is it possible Craven is intimidated by Kelly being around?

August 14, 2007

Glad you’re getting a break! Yeah, I’d probably be a wuss and cry after all those things!

August 24, 2007

p.s. AUGUST 9th RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREATEST DAY IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought I’d let you know that before I leave the diary. 😀 ryn: Thanks for the comment on pic entry. 😉 Where are yours? I need a beautiful new pic to draw…. 😉 {X}