A Story of Terror; the Doll Incident.

I was cleaning my room last night… heavy duty cleaning.  Washing the walls, doors, dusting baseboards, fans, cleaning closets…

I used the stepladder to dust a shelf I have towards my ceiling.  It’s filled with Mickey and Minnie stuff.   
…And one doll. 

This doll never affected me too badly though; it has no body just hard bunches of material for its lower half with wings and a dollhead.  It was an angel.  My grandparents gave her to me for some reason about two years ago. 
They were (and are) unaware of my… handicap

I took the doll down and saw that its face was full of little hairs.  Her hair was falling out.  So I took it to my mom and said, "Her hair is falling out.  What do I do with her?" 

Because I really didn’t like her- if there was a chance to get rid of her, I would jump on it.  She was just on my shelf because my grandparents gave her to me. 

She said, "Weird.  Uh, just vaccuum her hair off."
I go, "UMMMM.  Okay."  

So I go back into my room to vaccuum her hair off.  I start… and then I see the stitching on the top of her head and it absolutely
blew my sane mind. 
I began hyperventilating and sweating and shaking and my vision was blackening. 
Pure fear.
I dropped the vaccuum nozzle and stared at this doll, imagining she was coming alive and was VERY angry that I was mutilating her angel head.  I proceeded to half-trot, half-run back to my mom.

I announced, "I can’t do it."
Being busy brushing the dog, she merely said, "What?"
"I can’t do it!  I can’t vaccuum her hair."  I am half laughing like a psycho and half bubbling with tears threatening to run down my face.
"And why not?"  She puts down the brush and stares at me.
"I don’t like dolls to begin with."  *Pause*  "I CAN’T DO IT!  WHAT DO I DO WITH HER?"  I’m beginning to panic because I’m still holding onto this doll and staring at it.  I’m imagining it turning its head to stare at me and saying in a creepy, high-pitched, DOLL-LIKE voice, "I’m going to kill you!  Tee-hee-hee!"
My mom starts LAUGHING and calls for my father.  "Hun, your daughter needs some help."

Well, my dad comes over to take the doll so I kindly run into my room to shut off my cd player (he doesn’t like my music).

Stuck in my bedroom, I hear him treading heavily down the hall and so I decided to wait so I don’t have to pass it in the hall.  And then I see this doll head peek around the door- I COMPLETELY flipped out
With tears POURING down my face , I RAN out of my room and locked myself in the bathroom on the other side of the house. 

You could hear my dad laughing maniacally as he returned to torture me and found me instead holed up in the bathroom with my cat.

Needless to say, I did NOT emerge until the doll had been safely put away…

I suppose it’s funny if you look at it from the outside…
But at least the doll can’t be mad at ME because she has no hair. 


†  INMATE  †

Wearing:: Boy’s camo shorts, white Nikes, green tank, white sweatshirt, dogtags.
Last ate:: Peanut butter on animal crackers.
Feeling::  Exhausted.  Stressed.
Reading::  ‘A Purple Place for Dying.’  Last read, ‘Above Suspicion.’

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Random noter: At first thought this was one of those diaries that write short stories.. but now I’m not so sure…

January 29, 2007

RYN: he beat us with a 90…so that tells you how well we did HAHAHA

January 29, 2007

thats funny as hell but you’d laughatme because of the raw meatthing…i freak out in stores and cry and i have a ear of stuffed monkeys (just liek the doll phobia)

lmao. Dolls creep me out to a point of me shivering occasionally…but JEEZE. It’s okay. I feel your pain. *huggle* –

January 29, 2007

clowns are freaky too…*shudders*

January 29, 2007

Does the fear extend to action figures, or is it just dolls?

Believe it or not, there are some dolls out there that freak me out. The ones that are in the stores with only heads for dress up freak me out. I think that’s so twisted.. Feel free to stop by anytime hon 🙂

*huggles* *stabs your mean parents*

January 29, 2007

Thanks for stopping by and noting on my diary! by the way…what I do for work is I sort flywheels for semi truck clutches by date code, error, etc. fun stuff…bleh….hehe 🙂

January 29, 2007

Handicap? A doll handicap? Wow, this actually freaked me out a bit.

January 29, 2007

I have an irrational phobia of lava, despite never being near a volcano. I can laugh because it IS funny but not because you were scared. People tease me about lava all the time.

January 29, 2007

RYN: November 5th is the date. =) And I was just curious about action figures because you couldn’t have Star Wars action figures!

January 30, 2007

[random noter] I am sure from an outside perspective, you just looked like you were trippin’ balls. Although in your situation, I would have shit my pants. lol Anyways, next time, throw the bitch out. Screw vacuuming her!

January 30, 2007

thanks for the sweet compliments 😀 xxx

January 30, 2007

aww…i’m glad i don’t have any real phobias that i know of…STAY STRONG 🙂

January 30, 2007

ryn~ Thank you for your note. It’s nice to know that people appreciate what I write.

January 30, 2007

ryn: yep, that’s true 🙂

January 30, 2007

I HATE it when my parents do shit like that. They used to torment me with rubber bands. I’ve always had this weird irrational fear/dislike of them. Don’t ask me why. I’ve gotten better over the years to where I can actually touch them now.

Hey, thanks for your note, and you’re right lol, it was lower today. I have issues about it that’s all. Take care.

January 30, 2007

RYN: it is a handi cap..lmfao i wear gloves and have to wash mmy hands like 55676 million times after touching it ….lmfao…no worries i kno a girl who has a fear of whales

January 30, 2007

thats pretty fvcked up for your parents to do that. i suppose you never watched ‘childs play’ growing up. or the episode of twilights zone with talking susi i have a fear of being submerged in cold water.

January 31, 2007

Dolls can be retarded, I concur. Am I afraid of them? I’d simply noose them for enjoyment purposes. I find it amusing to noose mannequins and shoot daggers at hem as well. Hey, we all fear something, don’t we? I fear love, which prolly makes me the most pathetic living person alive! *Norm

January 31, 2007

Yes I have, they rock my socks to coin your earlier phraze lol.

Well I hope its not as cold as its been here. It gets cold into the 20s then warms up the next day into the 80s haha that blows… Sometimes I hate Florida. Biology I can dig (no pun intended), but Math I suck at. But getting better.

January 31, 2007

i’m not one of your favorites? thats so sad :^(

February 2, 2007

You R not mistaken 2 react the way U did. The only thing that’d make this story worse,is if the doll was 1 of those w/ the eyes that open & close by themselves. They R the devil incarnate. If I am ever lucky enough 2 B a dad,my little angel will NEVER get a freakin’ doll like that. That freakin’ Chucky doll doesn’t help matter’s either. Evil! Dolls R EVIL! Poseable action figures R another story.

February 3, 2007

No, babeh, no! xD *protects* I used to have the porcelain dolls. x] But none with the eyes that seem to stare at your ever sodding move. Sometimes I have problems with being home alone, like, I hear dead people and some like to screw with me. Last night someone was all, “I shall have no mercy on you.” I was all, “OH YEAH?! Well . . I’ll piss in your asshole! Ya punk! D:” :S Oh, man. We are silly

February 3, 2007

Correction: every sodding move*

February 3, 2007

“blew my sane mind.” — Loves it! Kinda like me with centipedes, too. Holy shit, I was in the basement and there was a foot-long fvcker just lying on the stone walkway. The mutha’s just sitting there. Just chilling. Aloof to my desire to mash him up. :[ So I proceed to working out and (we have this pull-away- wall; basically a sheet of plastic lying against a doorway) . . .

February 3, 2007

. . . I kept thinking eyes were watching me. xD Eee! Do you ever have to get mad in order for you to face your fears?