A conglomerate of useless… Great QUIZ, though!!!

10 Bands/Artists you LOVE (Me: definitely NOT in order but with my fave song following)

1. Cypress Hill …’Dr. Greenthumb’
2. Blaze Ya Dead Homie …’Shotgun’
3. Twiztid …probably ‘Story of Our Lives’
4. Tech N9ne …’Slacker’
5. Marz …’Champion’
6. Dark Lotus …’Headache’
7. Godsmack …’Awake’
8. ICP …I don’t know, there’s so many, maybe ‘Posse On Vernor’. That song BUMPS!
9. Prodigy …Ugh, all? Probably ‘Smack My Bitch Up’
10. Eminem …’The Real Slim Shady’ (Yep… so over but I’m still obsessed with it)

9 Things you’re looking forward to

1. Auditioning for So You Think You Can Dance! (and blogging about it, lol)
2. Thanksgiving when my homies visit me from college!
3. December when Kelly comes on leave from the Marines.
4. Whenever Randy comes on leave from the Marines.
5. Having my cat inside the house!
6. Dancing for Wade Robson. (Like it’ll ever happen but I can hope!!!)
7. Eating. ^_^

8 things i like to wear

1. Umm… clothes are a good start. : D
2. Hats!!!!!! 
3. I love baggy pants (I have an embaressing tendency to split tight jeans… damn dancer ADHD!)
4. I love REALLY tall heels, too, but not with my baggy pants. : / 
5. Red
6. Black
7. White
8. Big obnoxious earrings- today I’m wearing one shiny red hoop that I could stick my entire hand through.  That’s in my left ear, my right is just a small red stud diamond.

7 Things that anger you

1. People who think they’re better than you.
2. Males who think that just because they’re male they automatically have the upper hand in everything!
3. Males who think that just because they’re male, you need them. >.<
4. People who front to other people like they’ve known me for years when I met them a few days ago.
5. It doesn’t anger me but it gets annoying after a while- people who mistake me for a Blood.

6 Things you say at work

1. What are you doing?!?!
2. What?!?!?
3. Yea you can take my class.
4. How are you?
5. I just about died…
6. Is your daughter in Pre-K?  (Said this five minutes ago)

5 Things you do everyday (In this order, lol.)

1. Dance
2. Eat!
3. Sleep
4. Use the computer
5. Read the newspaper/book.

4 Movies you could watch again and again (Not in this order.)

1. All Star Wars.
2. Spaceballs
3. Monty Python… Holy Grail
4. Evil Dead/Army of Darkness

3 People you want to spend more time with

1. My brother
2. My friends
3. The male species (sometimes)

2 superpowers you would choose

1. Fuck that, I’d just be Wolverine… cuz then I’d heal rapidly and have metal spikes that come out of my knuckles! How ballin’! Hmm… I guess that is one and two. : D

1 TV show watched regularly






You are
[ ] short
[x] 5’2"-5’4" (WHEW! I made it out of the ‘short’ category!!! ::does happy dance:: )
[ ] 5’4?-5’5?
[ ] 5’5?-5’6?
[ ] 5’6?-5’7?
[ ] 5’8?-5’9?
[ ]5’10? and up

Your confessions:
[x] I’m afraid of silence
[ ] I am really ticklish
[ ] I’m afraid of the dark (Me: Umm… I live in the dark.)
[x] I’ve collected comic books (Me: It’s an accident though because I have them and I don’t want to throw them away because they’re probably worth money now…)
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[ ] I open up to others TOO easily
[x] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies (ME: Erm. Some of them I like. YAY for ALADDIN!!)
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for a gorgeous smile
[ ] I don’t kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I bake well (Me: I make killer pumpkin pie!! Honestly, I felt pretty ballin’ the day I was able to bring a piece of pumpkin pie to school to give to my boyfriend at the time.)
[ ] I have worn pajamas to class
[ ] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS (mE: GaH!! NevER! No, I’m serious. I hate when people type like that.)
[XXXXXXX] I love to laugh (Me: I’m almost always laughing or smiling. When I’m not… things are bad.)
[ ] I can’t swallow pills
[ ] I bite my nails
[ ] I play computer games when I’m bored (Me: I’m never bored.)
[ ] I have gotten lost in the city (Me: Maybe if I could drive or something.)
[ ] I have gone out in public in my pajamas (Me: Well, I’ve walked to my mailbox in nothing but boxers and a sports bra… and I have a long driveway.)
[ ] I have made out in an elevator (Me: No, but I’ve made out on a roller coaster!!)
[ ] I have been skydiving
[x] I have been bungee jumping
[ ] I have bitten someone
[ ] I have egged or T.P.ed a house/car
[ ] I have smashed a car
[ ] I have been fired

Have you ever…
[x] seen a shooting star (2… I saw my second when I was running/walking the other night)
[ ] joke proposed to anyone
[ ] gotten stitches
[ ]eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[x]Ridden in a taxi
[ ] Been on a cruise ship
[ ]Driven over 400 miles in one day
[ ]Been on a plane by yourself (Me: LOL, nope, I made friends.)
[xxx] had surgery
[ ]seen a movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage (Oh, yes. I’ve even been offstage! ^_^ )
[x]gotten a black eye
[x] memorized all the dialogue in a movie (Star Wars. Army of Darkness. Evil Dead. Spaceballs. You know it!)
[x] watched an entire baseball game (I love baseball!)


Two Names You Go By:
Inmate, Exorcist (I fold in half front and backwards- thus why contortionism is on my interests).

Two things you are wearing right now:
Vans and black rhinestoned wristbands.

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
ANYWHERE! New York! : D CANAL STREET! ::jumps around enthusiastically::

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now:
Kelly calling me today, and what I want to eat next. : D

Two favorite animals:
Alligators and dogs.

Two Reasons you’re doing this survey:
To escape everything I’m supposed to do, and entertainment (I’m very easily amused)

Spell your name without vowels:
nmt, xrcst

How many pairs of jeans do you own?:
Three or so.

What color(s) do you wear most often?
Red and black and/or white.

r />What’s for dinner tonight?
Umm. I don’t know… I think I’m going to make a protein smoothie.

Are you happy with your life right now?
Almost. (Wade Robson isn’t in it yet, LOL, ok, ok, I’ll lay off it now… Man, if I made So You Think… and I got to learn choreography from Wade Robson I would fuck it up so bad… I’d be so excited/nervous.)

[Do you own a…}

– PS2:

No. Never played it.

– PSP:
No. Don’t know what it is.

– Gamecube:
No. Never played it.

– Digital Camera:

Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle?
Nope. Ick!! My style is eclectic.

Last thing you bought?:
Um. A black glittery cat collar! For my cat!! WHO PEED IN ITS LITER BOX FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST NIGHT! I sat with her for a little over an hour, off and on for around six hours. AND SHE FINALLY PEED! WOOO! AND (Sorry, I’ll stop with the CAPS) she gets spayed tomorrow!!! I’m so excited!

How’s the weather?
Sunny! It was raining and storming this morning.

Do you own big sunglasses?:
Yes. Unrimmed, though.  I love sunglasses… and I’m light sensitive so they’re necessary. 

What should you be doing right now?:
Do you want me to read my ‘Shit to do’ list??

Who did you hug today?:
No one. : (

How many beds did you lie in yesterday?
Um. One. Is this a trick question?? o.O

What color shirt are you wearing?:
Red. Long sleeved stretch over a plain black leotard and red sweatpants.

Name one thing that you do everyday?
Feed the cat.

Whats the color of your bedroom walls?
White. And a little holey, from where I started to learn how to play darts. : X

How much cash do you have on you right now?
$0… unsurprising. -.-

Q: When was the last time you saw your dad?
Uhh. Before I left for dance.

Q: What did you have for dinner last night?
Uhh. A bowl of Cinnamon Honey Bunches of Oats.

Q: Look to your left, what do you see?
Cubbyhole with phone books and manilla folders and envelopes.

Q:Do you have plants in your room?:
I hate plants. >.<  Rawr!  Kill plants!!  ::tramples through the gardens like an ogre::

Q:Whats your favorite starbucks drink?
Mocha frappacino or mocha coffee I guess.  I’m really craving coffee… NOW… ::salivates::

Q:Recent time you were really upset?
I don’t remember.

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October 16, 2006

Northridge..on Metric…and the snowcones thing was a mess!! But, it kept some of the kids busy..lolz…

RYN: Its from a song by Gym Class Heroes..well its more of an interlude but you get the idea.

October 17, 2006

thanks for the happy birthday note! haha i love the people you want to spend more time with: “the male species (sometimes)” ..i completely agree!