#1 Reason Not (or TO) to Take Inmate Into Public.

Soulja Boy came on at the bowling alley on Saturday.  Heh heh.
To the amusement and raucous cheering of the entire bowling alley, I became popular AND pimp as I performed my version of the Soulja Boy.
That was on Jeana’s B-day.  Now all her friends want to take me clubbing.  LOL.

End of really awesome story.  I bet y’all are jealous.  ^_^  I’m kidding.

::goes back to work:: 
Have a great day!


Wearing::  More or less the same thing.
Eating::  Chicken and bread.
Feeling::  Tired.  Lazy.  Sleepy.
Listening to::  ‘Keep Breathing’ Ingrid Michaels

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November 26, 2007

I want to see it! YouTube! *makes demands and idle threats*

November 26, 2007

yes yes, I agree! YouTube! YouTube! YouTube! I want to see it!

November 26, 2007

Yes! YouTube is everyone’s friend!

November 26, 2007

Wish I’d seen this historic event! =)

December 3, 2007

Thank you for the rain dance. While it came months later, It is much appreciated. ;D 2 days of rain after 9-10 months of none. What a fun place a desert is to live in…. I should just write RAIN in one entry & only do it when it rains here. How truly jarring that would be. {X} p.s. I see your interests look like they have expanded. 😉