Entry 802: Patience

How I long for the ease of knowledge. 

I have waited so long to know things and I’m still waiting. I am not a patient person, it seems. 

I didn’t get the job.

I’m not sure I have anyone to talk to about anything. And even if I did, I’m not sure what I would say. 

Everyone I can think of is dealing with their own stuff and I don’t want to pile onto their things.

Top 10 things to do when sad:

  1. Cry
  2. Shout and/or scream
  3. Go for a walk 
  4. Go for a run?
  5. Find a quiet place to take a nap
  6. If possible, remove self from toxic environments. If not possible, ensure more time spent out of toxic environments than in.
  7. Cry some more.
  8. Stare into the void.
  9. Get lost in a book, movie, series, etc.
  10. Unbutton shirt collar.

Disclaimer, haven’t tried all of these. Cannot confirm or deny if they work. So far the ones I have tried have not worked.

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