Energies in Life

The rain pattering on my window pane became the most beautiful music.

I still remember walking under umbrellas, shoes soaked until they squished water with every step I took.  Never would I have thought that one day I’d look out of the window and delight in the low heavy clouds in the darkening sky, in the wet grass and road.

I miss the yoga classes I used to partake in another place.  I find I often don’t have the best experiences in life, but I learned to let them go as soon as I can, and dwell instead in the beauty and joy side of life.  And without fail, they show up as soon I look for them, they are strewn like wild flowers, plentiful and abundant everywhere.

Somehow, my violin has improved in leaps and bounds.  Other than that the music in me clarified to a crystal clear auditory experience, due to the phenomenal meditation I am doing I have to say, I think the key is to diligently learn the skills, then let it rest for months.  Much like tennis, one needs to forget all the wrong moves caused by sore and cramped, awkward muscles.  Almost like waiting for cheese to cure or wine in the cellar, the next time the instrument is picked up again, what pleasant surprise!

The problem with living with such surges of energies, is that time is not enough.  Even with quite exhausted muscles, several endeavours satisfied, I still lie sleepless, not until 3-4am do I doze off, only to wake up again, excitedly to a new day.

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