What I’m thankful God has blessed me with:
- The ability to leave my house without panicking. (Getting over agoraphobia)
- The ability to not think of anxiety 24/7.
- Living at Dan’s house feeling comfortable.
- My Dad’s health, personality and life.
- My therapy sessions that are now free.
- My mom’s commitment to sobriety in the past month and her changed attitude and beliefs. She’s getting better.
- The ability to ignore eating disorder and self harm thoughts.
- The money I get from SSI and Social Security.
- The fact that he gave me great signs and brought me to Jesus!
- The friends I have.
- My dogs and cats.
- The ability to go to fun events like sonshine and downtown to see the fireworks.
- The fact that I got pills that make me feel mostly normal most of the time-the right help.
- Dan’s love for me.
- The ability to enjoy life.
- Music.
Things I am still praying for God to bless me with:
- Freedom from this rash and skin problems with my tattoo right before sonshine 🙁
- Complete relief from anxiety/agoraphobia
- The ability to fight anxiety without having to rely on pills.
- To not feel addicted to the pills.
- The health and life of my dad for many years to come.
- The drive and motivation to do more with my life.
- The continuation of my moms sobriety.
- To be able to control my anxiety at sonshine.