what goes around comes around…

so yeah…my little sister is also insane…
rebecca wrote a blog about how melissa was blaming her for the fact that alex (melissa’s baby’s father) will not be living at their place…that alex may leave melissa…that basically everything is rebecca’s fault…
remember when rebecca blamed me for her and matt’s brake up? oh yeah…that’s right…it’s the exact same except without a baby involved…it was NEVER my fault that him and her broke up, and it is not rebecca’s fault if alex leaves melissa…
basically everything said in the blog she wrote could apply to herself…she said melissa "lies and steals from her family"…uh oh…another similar scenerio between my sister rebecca and i…rebecca: stole my UNDERWEAR, money, etc…has STOLEN and still has shirts and a jacket of mine…these are the things i’m only absolutely sure of because i saw her wearing them, and i saw them in her drawer etc…there are several other things of mine that are "missing"…so, who knows…she also tries to weasel out of paying me back money she owes me…
another interesting part in the blog: "we have limited food and are behind on our bills as it is"…HELLO!! STOP GOING OUT AND DRINKING YOUR DOLLARS AWAY!! STOP SPENDING YOUR NONEXISTANT MONEY ON CRAP!!! it’s mainly rebecca’s doing…although who can tell…becka does no wrong when confronted about it…or she plays the idiot…
they’re BOTH fucked in the head…BOTH have done wrong…although i know melissa is taking it farther than becka, but it doesn’t excuse any actions she makes…i know i have done wrong as well, but i haven’t gone to this extent…they justify their actions based on the MISTAKES i’ve made…mistaking my pants for her pants, when they’re the exact same brand and size etc…she justifies her stealing several articles of my clothing for that…ha…it makes me laugh…
i really don’t want to be around my sisters whatsoever…at all…i hate all the secrets and back talk…i know that i am involved as well, but if i stay away, then i won’t be doing any of this, will i??



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