The Cast of the Peanut Gallery

I guess this will be a major update entry…seeing as how I haven’t been on here for about a year…hopefully I’ve grown and matured…seeing as how I’m going into my third year of university…I’ll update on everyone, and then talk about the new people in my life…then, in later entries, I’ll just talk about my life and events I suppose…

Rob: I actually did go through with having sex with him…prom night…it was an interesting experience to say the least…it was at night, on a hill, near the beach…and my friends drove up on us…haha…I think it’s a hilarious first time story…but he wasn’t very good at what he did…as I’m sure I wasn’t either, seeing as how it was my first time…I basically just laid there until he was finished…at least he TRIED to give me pleasure…although I had to fake it…I knew what an orgasm was and how it affected my body, so that wasn’t too difficult…but back then I was still worried about my body, and I guess I was just concentrating too hard on how I looked…but after a while, he still wanted to have sex…but I didn’t want to…and then he wanted a relationship…he had the nerve to say that he had 2 other girls in mind before me…I told him that I was the first choice in any relationship, and that I wouldn’t go out with him ever because he said that…so, we haven’t seen each other in a long time…I don’t really care though…

Bryan: Him and I are still friends I suppose…he still holds a grudge about the prom thing…but he was acting like we were in a relationship, and I didn’t want that…and I told him to stop, but he wouldn’t…so, that was the reason I suppose…I know it was wrong back then, to say yes and then all of a sudden no…and I have apologized profusely…he says it’s alright…but then he gets these grudges and says rude things…but he does it with everyone I suppose…

Ryan: So, this is a guy that really affected my life in my past entries that I’ve deleted…basically, I liked him a lot…in grade 10, in horticulture, he had asked me out and then "forgot" about it the next day…and then in grade 12, he was my first kiss…and then just wanted to be friends…so, I basically have no more feelings for him…I still even liked him a bit in first year University when he was going out with my friend Amy, but I never led on to that fact…so, I basically got over him…and now, that he’s broken up with Amy, he’s after me to start a relationship…so, I’m basically like, "what the fuck?!?"…I would have jumped at the chance back then…but I have now moved on…a lot…so I basically have just told him that I have locked away any feelings that I had for him because he really did hurt me a lot because of the things that he has done…and I’m just his friend…although I’m sure he’s trying to get with me still…odd how things turn out…haha…


Newer guys:

Rudin: I basically had the hugest crush on him in first year University…I kept on trying to get over my shyness and just tell him, but you know…I couldn’t…so, we’re kind of awkward friends right now…I’m pretty sure he knows that I liked him…I don’t know much about him now, so I can’t really like him…but, he’s a cool guy…

Matt: Where do I begin with this guy?
So I met him off of the net…and he did want to start a relationship with me…but then all of a sudden just wanted to remain friends…and I was alright with that…it hurt a bit, but you know, I’d get over it, I’ve been over it before…anyways…He did the same thing with this other girl named Dee…and this other girl named Ashley I think he really liked, but she moved away and got a boyfriend…so then, he asked to go out with my friend Leah…THAT was a big blow to me…I just told her basically that it would hurt either way…that she’d either be angry at me for saying that I wasn’t comfortable with the idea and stop them from getting into a relationship…or I’d be hurt that they’d be actually going out…well, they did go out…for a month, what a surprise…but he hasn’t had sex with anyone since he went to school for a bit…he dropped out…and now my sister, my sister, is doing things with him…she knows and doesn’t want a relationship with him…but again, it’s my sister…that was another big blow…but I am REALLY over him…I just hang out with him when he’s around other people…I’m friends with a lot of his friends…plus, with my sister and all…yeah…I don’t really like the guy because of the way he is…so, that’s where that is…haha

Kyle: Now this is where it gets strange…
This is the guy that went out with my friend Leah for about 6 months in our first year of University…she "l<3ved" him (I use that to refer to the fake love that people find themselves caught up in lately)…and she believes that they were engaged…but he is really angry that she believes that because he doesn’t ever think that they were…so, he’s basically not talking to her at all…he also knows Dee, the second girl Matt was "interested" in…and so, Kyle has a burning hatred for Matt because he believes that Matt is an idiot and has no desire to hear about him or see him ever…because of what he has done and the way he’s treated women…
well, Kyle says that he has had feelings for me for a long time…basically before he actually moved to London…because we were talking for a long time through email…and apparently he says that him and I had talked more than Leah and him ever had…but, he was coming down to help Leah with her "pregnancy"…so he locked away any feelings he had for me…Leah and him broke up around September of last year…and in February we made contact again…he is currently in a relationship, but admitted to me the feelings he had for me since he’s first met me…so, I’ve been talking and hanging out with him a lot…the relationship he is currently in is an abusive one and he wants to get out…but cannot at the moment, or else he’ll be homeless…so he’s been trying to get a better and more stable job in order to stay in London and be with me…I have had sex with him, 9 times, but I am no longer doing anything with him whatsoever until he’s out of that relationship…because I know that it was wrong for me to do so, and I am changing that, so yeah…I’m still kind of hesitant about the whole thing, but I have fallen for him…the first person other than family and friends that I have loved…and I am completely honest with him…and he says he is the same, but again, I’m still hesitant…but I’ve been believing him…and if he screws me over, then at least I know I’ve been honest and that’s all that matters…so, basically, I’m waiting for him in order to be in a relationship with him…

Brent: I bought this dress…my first dress since prom, and only dress (besides prom) since I’ve been in grade 2…I went out dancing in it one night…the moment I arrived he came up to me and introduced himself to Matt and Scott…and then introduced himself to me and asked me to dance…he was kind of drunk, but

I danced with him anyways…I was also kind of testing him, asking him where his friends were…also sitting at my friend’s table and seeing if he’d just forget about me and dance with other girls…but he basically never left my side the whole night…I wasn’t even supposed to be out because I had an exam the next morning…and he wasn’t supposed to be out because he had an exam the next afternoon…and he usually goes to another bar…so I think it’s funny how we met…he also has asked me out, but I’ve only met him twice, and never one on one…so, I don’t know…maybe if I get to know him more and things take far too long with Kyle, something could happen…if not, he is an extremely cool guy to have as a friend…

Friends (Hometown):

Jenn: We’re still close…she is just plain awesome…there was a few moments this summer that I thought that we wouldn’t be friends, but that was basically just my own insecurity and mixed messages and high stress levels that caused those thoughts…we will always be close no matter what…

Anita: She rocks as well…We have been close for a while now…I even visited her at her University in Hamilton…so that was a lot of fun…I just hope that all of us friends from hometown don’t drift apart and lose touch, because we hold a lot of memories together…

Jess: We just recently made contact again…I visited her last year for her birthday in Peterborough…I got into a bar up there when I was 18…so that was a lot of fun…we have been through a lot lately, and I love her to death…she has become one of my closest friends in such a short while…and I just wish her all the best…

Jen: Her and I have been living in London together for the first 2 years of University, but I’m not going to be living there next year…she has her annoying moments, but everyone does…I think it’s just the fact that we were living together, and had to be subjected to each other’s habits…I think it’s mainly her family that was really annoying me…but I know that we will remain close…even through her quirks…I just know that I wouldn’t be able to handle another year with her…we work better together not living together…

Sarah: Haven’t been close since high school, and I really don’t mind in the least…

Amy: She is currently pregnant…and just as much of a mooch as before…but she’s still alright to talk to…and I stay in touch with her somewhat…

Deniza: We weren’t really ever close…and I guess we even drifted apart from there…so, she’s just a friend by association I suppose…


Scott: He is an extremely cool guy…chronic…honest and open…so, I really like him as a friend…although we have had sex once, I don’t find that it messed with anything…just an occasional friends with benefits type thing I suppose…although I find that I don’t think about having sex with other guys at all now that Kyle is in my life…and I also have a toy to take care of that now…haha…he’s just an interesting fellow…Buddhist…and fun to be around…

Cory: Matt’s half brother…although both of the brothers have been through the same tough life, Cory seems to have adapted much better to life…he is honestly a cool guy…and if he wasn’t so obsessed with my sister the first time he met us all, and if I wasn’t so confused about my relationship situation now, I might have tried something with him…but, he’s just a cool guy basically…easy going…lots of fun to hang out with…a big teddy bear…

Naotaka: a priss…don’t know why I’m friends with him…I guess he’s alright…just kind of selfish and self centred…but I guess that everyone has their downfalls…he’s helped me out, and I’ve helped him out (a bit more, but anyways)…he’s a University friend because he’s from Toronto…

Leah : She is a scary character…she’s alright when she’s happy…a fun party girl and interesting to talk to…my first friend that I made in University…but she is bipolar like my mom, and causes a lot of stress for a lot of people…she says that she cuts herself, but she basically just scratches herself…although, it’s still not the best state of mind to be in at all…I love her to death, I just hope that she changes her ways and grows up a lot…I will be her friend…but I just hope that she can be more mature…especially because of the Matt and Kyle situation…I allowed her to be "happy" with Matt and didn’t act rude or say spiteful things to her while they were going out…but with this Kyle situation, she has been really scary…maybe after a while, I’ll get Kyle to talk with her…but I don’t want to force anyone to do anything that they don’t want to do…I just hope that they can resolve whatever needs to be resolved…obviously she wants to resolve issues, but he does not…I don’t blame him…all she does is basically ask him why things didn’t work out…or say that she did nothing wrong…oh well…I will deal with that when it comes along…

Moira: She is just awesome…I want to be like her…she has no problems with any one…I think it’s mainly because she doesn’t get involved with any guys that are in "the group"…but she is great…she lets things just roll off her back…she’s honest, and hopes that everyone is honest with her and all she ever wants is for people to be honest…and so, I’m doing my best to have those same characteristics…but I think that I am not able to do so with certain people…but, the only thing that I can say about Moira is that she’s great 🙂

Also a bunch of random people who I am acquainted with…


Mom: She is just as scary as ever…she was suicidal for a bit this year, and it completely messed up my year…I’ve learned how to deal with her though…we do get into a lot of fights though…but, she’s still my mother…I love her, and hate her at the same time…can anybody really have a normal relationship with their mother? I think she’s giving up on life pretty quickly though…because of her MS…I just hope that she pulls through…she used to be so strong willed…and that was basically the main thing that I admired about her…I hope that she gets that back…

Dad: He’s alright…he’s pretty cool for a dad though…easy going…but does like to teach us life lessons and such…sometimes can get nosey…but a sneaky nosey…so that he gets the truth out of you without you even knowing…or you just feel so guilty and tell him anyways…

Jessica: My oldest sister…she’s been through a tough time…I can’t really tell her things, because she just lets it all out…she thinks that she’s doing the right thing because she isn’t lying, but she gives too much information away…but she’s had a hard life…and has also been the example for us…and has made most of our mistakes for us so th

at we can learn from her…

Rebecca: Sometimes I fear that she is just like my mom…I can’t tell her things either, because whenever she’s angry at anyone, she lets out everything they’ve told her out of spite…She’s the closest to my age though…I sometimes feel that we are close, but I know that we really are not…

Melissa: The youngest…she recently ran away…and is basically doing worse things than my oldest sister has done…she’s basically selfish for doing such things…I only hope that she comes to her senses soon and fixes her life before she ruins it…

Presley, Noah, Conner, and Genevieve…my nephews and niece…plus my twin nieces who died in the womb…

Enough of an update I suppose…I guess the next entry will be more normal…I suppose I just needed to introduce the cast…haha…

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