le sigh

he has a way of making me feel good…lol…

we just hung out for hours today…talking…and it wasn’t just him talking this time…and it wasn’t just the usual stuff…so it was really nice to connect…ease both of our worries…because he was worried about me too…since the assault, and the fact that i may go and find someone better…i don’t want to find someone better, but i do deserve something better…i think i explained that to him…i understand the busyness and all…i just explained to him my insecurities…which is a huge step for me…i’m usually not able to do that with any one…i know this is special…i just wish it was started differently at times…

he said that once he gets his own place (because he doesn’t think he can get a musician roomie…he needs one because he’ll be loud while practicing) that because of our schedules being so different, that he may give me a key…because he doesn’t want to force me to move in with him…which is nice 🙂 i do want to live with him, but i don’t want to do anything too fast…i don’t want it fucked up…lol…maybe in the summer if things are going well 🙂

he also said he’s saving up money, so he told his friends etc. that he’s not going to be getting any christmas presents for them…but he’d get one for me 🙂 he’s making me feel giddy…lol…

maybe i get down when i don’t see him a lot because of the lack of hormones and stuff…missing that connection…and my silly overthinking…which i explained to him as well…all i know is is that we both have insecurities, which makes me feel a lot better…

he even said that sometimes it’d be better for me to be with someone else…that he wasn’t good enough…so, i hope this isn’t some REALLY elaborate scheme…there is always that thought in my head for anyone though since there has been a lot of backstabbing between "friends" in my life…i’m just glad that is over with…well, i at least know who’s talking out of their ass…lol

i really need to do some work…

so, i’m happy <3 i’ll remind myself to read these when i’m feeling down again…and keep communication open…it’s a great feeling for me 🙂

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October 24, 2006

Being giggly over a boy is one of the best feelings in the world. 🙂 I don’t think I have really stopped smiling since Sunday night. I really hope htings work out for you!