it’s funny when people think they know me

mainly my sister…it’s too confusing to explain, but mainly, she thinks that what i had written was a stab at her, and it was just an observation…as always, she thinks she knows me and thinks that i’m this evil devil child out to get her…which is basically what my blog was originally about…so, like her asshole of a boyfriend, she missed the point…oh well…such is life…people sucking, etc…

i was thinking about getting a tattoo for my 20th birthday…well, technically it’s two, but they go together…don’t steal my idea, or i’ll hunt you down!! lol…
i want to get a little devil on my left shoulder blade, and a little angel on my right…i drew the devil from a picture but altered it so it was somewhat original, and then i had to flip the picture, and draw an angel with the same body structure, but different features (i.e. lack of horns and tail, with a halo etc…)…so, it’s mainly original artwork…i just need something to look at when i draw…my imagination sucks for accuracy…lol…i’ll post pics of my drawings, and then of the actual tattoos if i get them done…black and white…it’s cheaper…lol

i have to work harder on my low notes…make them even stronger and maintain my breath longer…i’ll ask the person next to me to stagger breathe with me, because it is just impossible…but i’ll still try…it’s like the conductor thinks we’re machines…lol…but i must adjust…a bit stressful, but nothing i can’t handle if i try hard enough ๐Ÿ™‚

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