
Things always go back and forth…my family and I are not close right now…I am really tired of my sister’s games…so I’m not going to participate in any way…I will also be very selective of who I trust with my venting because it always turns to shit in the wrong hands…yet again my life is constantly being re-vamped…it’s stressful…
I got rid of my Facebook for a while because I was spending so much time on it…I know it’s my own problem and not the site’s problem, but I figure if I nip my useless addiction in the bud then I’ll be able to continue on my normal life…life before drama…it’s all just a constant continuation…so I’m downsizing…hopefully this will help…I’m also not letting things get to me as much…who knows right now if it’s beneficial or detrimental…we’ll see I suppose…
I’m focusing more on school work…still not as much as I should, but much more than I was  before…I’ve stopped working out because I can’t find the time…or the drive…I will find it again…I’ll work on it during the Christmas break…when I’m able to take a breather and focus…I just have so much to do right now…
I have a new boyfriend…Andrew…he’s much better on his worst day than Kyle ever was on his best day…I now know what a true relationship is…it’s not supposed to be one-sided and frustrating…I feel like me except with someone who wants to spend time with me…I’m not scared to ask him questions…I don’t cry at night because he said something cruel…I’m super excited…he’s also more responsible, which is what I was looking for this time…
It’s my birthday on Saturday…it should be fun 🙂 I’m doing what I want and boo to those who try to bring me down…it’s not going to work…

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