I applied to the Ceremonial Guard for the Summer. If I get in, I’ll get $10 000!!! So I’m hoping I get in. I’m on standby right now which means that if someone doesn’t pass the physical or don’t want to go, then I get to go! I really hope this happens…

I’ve lost my drive again. I’m hoping to get it back. I’m not doing so well with the junk food. I just feel like I need to constantly eat. I have more healthy food, but also get weak more lately and order pizza. I have to stop that because I lost so much more when I stuck to good foods. I’m plateauing right now. I haven’t reached my goal yet either.

BUT!! I can run now!! I’m super excited about it. I can also do some girlie pushups when I could do none, and 40 situps…so, hopefully I see some changes soon.

I have a bird now 🙂 his name is Pina Colada. It is the weirdest bird ever. It sits in it’s own water bowl and eats it’s own poo. But it’s a companion and makes me feel happy nonetheless 😀

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February 21, 2008

wtg!…keep at it and soon you should “see” progress