so stressed I’m vomiting

I feel so stressed with my schoolwork lately. My accounting class doesn’t make any sense to me. My answers never come out the same as the professor’s. I get so frustrated I want to give up..I know that’s not the way to go about a problem but I feel like this whole Bachelor degree thing was a mistake sometimes. Math has never been one of my strong subjects and this nutrition degree is a main focus on math and sciences. I asked my professor if I could meet with him late Wednesday becuase I needed tutoring and we have a test on Thursday, he said he would meet me. Hopefully I start to understand it with his help..I need to keep my grade point average up. You’ve got to have at least a 3.0 to be in the B.S Nutrition program here..I came in with a 3.6.

I guess it’s not just school that is stressing me out. It’s this upcomming doctor’s visit (tomorrow morning)..I am so scared about what they are going to tell me. It’s made me feel a mess lately..I’m so worried I’m to the point of throwing up.

I don’t really understand my biochemistry class, but not many other students in the class to either. The program should have made general chemistry a prerequsite before we took it. This school is so whack, I don’t understand.

Sorry for those of you who actually decided to read this entry my bitching and confuddled mess was a wasted few minutes of your life

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October 10, 2006

Good luck on your doctor’s visit! I wish you well. Thank you for your notes. Dan