cold weather and my future
well I’ve been in Denver a month now. My body is not adjusting very well. My nose gets all clogged at night and I cannot breath, I blow my nose and a bunch of blood comes out. It is disgusting.
The cold weather is piercing. It seeps down into my joints and bones it feels like. When I walk to class and back my ankles and hips hurt the worst? Today I came back from breakfast at 8am and had to jump back into bed, I slept for over two more hours! It’s just not like me, I am a morning person. I am sleeping so much more now? I do not know.
I think I might have figured out what I want to do with my degree: a Pediactric sounds like something I am interested in, I have been reading up on it. That or be in Nutritional Consultation. Both start out at about the same salary like 50,000 to 55,000 / year. It’s alright but I would like to be getting paid more.
It is possible, especially if I’m going to move to San Diego..
Biochemistry time…..