
every beginning starts with some other beginning’s end. I always try to remind myself of that and the fact that i practically have it tattooed on me whenever something ends.

B and I are over. For good this time.

Which sucks a lot. But I saw it coming.

I really want a hug but everyone I know in Etown is asleep. And at home for that matter.

I feel bad for neglecting my diary.However, most of the reason I was neglecting it is because I knew I was making a bad decision to stay with B. And I avoid acknowledging my bad decisions. By not writing about it or anything else that was going on I avoided analyzing it and acknowleding it was a bad decision. But now it’s over. So hopefully I will feel free to discuss all the subsequent good decisions I am determined to make.

Cause I owe it to myself to make some good decisions right about now.

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January 26, 2008

good decisions are good things. bad decisions aren’t always bad…just learning experiences (or so I like to tell myself). good luck staying strong on the decision, regardless.

January 27, 2008

It sucks how it can still hurt, even when you know you’re making the right choice. Sorry I haven’t been around to read about it; I hope you’re doing well.