One minute at a time

My HCG numbers were low. High enough to definitely be pregnant, but low enough to point to the possibility of poor embryo quality or an ectopic pregnancy. There is still a chance that all this little embryo needs is more time and a little TLC to pull through and be born perfectly healthy. However, there is also a large chance that I will miscarry or need to have the embryo removed from my fallopian tube. My husband doesn’t seem to fully comprehend the extent of what this means. He honed in on the “we’re pregnant” part and seems not to quite grasp the very large “but” that follows. He says he just wants to be able to enjoy this moment. I want to enjoy it too, but all I don’t think I could bear all that joy being ripped away. I know there are always risks, but it seems best to hedge my bets when the risks are this high.

I will have blood tests every other day until my numbers increase, I miscarry, or they confirm it is ectopic.

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