Yet another dream…

Well, I had a dream about Phil last night. It’s so strange – I rarely have dreams where the people are actually who they’re supposed to be, if that make any sense. But Phil looked like Phil! And he was named Phil too.

So here’s the thing… he was being extremely friendly, and basically we figured out that we liked each other, but in an odd sort of way. I think it’s because Eric proposed to Jess. And she said yes. And they set the date, even though they’re still teenagers. Right. So in my dream Phil came up and stood really close to me, so I just sort of leaned on him, and he was like, we should get married or something. And I was like, yeah we should, lol. And that was sort of that.

My dreams are so psycho sometimes. At least I didn’t French him in my dream like Mike… um, did I just say that? Yeah that still messes with my head.

So… Phil… I’m thinking I still like him.

Oh, MAJOR weird orange pantsness today. I saw Peter this morning for church, because he’s the drummer for the youth choir, and I’m in the youth choir. Ok, so before church, we talked for a little bit before going into the choir room. That was rather lovely. Then during the sermon, I thought he was smiling at me… but then… I figured it out… it was the STUPID FRICKING GIRLS WHO ARE FREAKING HIS AGE WHO WERE BEHIND ME. So I just ignored him for awhile… and it really upset me, to be honest with you. Then somewhere during the sermon he actually smiled at me… so I smiled back… but our smiles were kind of special. And that made me really really happy. Until he started mouthing words to the girls behind me for the rest of the sermon. Sad. What’s my problem? Oh that’s right… how can he flirt with other people right in front of me when he knows danged well that I’m going to marry him?!? (probably because he doesn’t know I’m even thinking of marrying him… hehe I’m so pathetic)

~swept away~



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You frenched mike in your dream? Oh god, I’m scared…. 🙂

your diary is really hooked up.. you did a really good job in making it.. just wanted to etu know.. and say thanx for da note