when less becomes more

There are so many connections to this at the moment. So many things I’m dying to say simply because, well, for once I have something to say. Which in itself deals with the subject.

Filler. Quite possibly Meg was on to something.

As I find myself online less and less, I find that I write less and less. This in itself is not a good thing, but I have occassionally gone to my written diary in order to vent feelings. By consciously deciding to refrain from writing about certain aspects of my life, I have realized that many of us get sucked into this typical “diary” mindset. Now, there are diaries, diaries, and diaries. The first type tells you exactly what you did during the day. It gives you all the little details of which, looking back, you’ll never really remember the importance, and lacks any true feeling. The next type of diary tells about your day, but more from a personal perspective. The emotions. The triggers. The problems affecting the writer. The third type of diary rants about various issues and is used as an essay forum or a creative writing outlet. It is pure writing, its substance revolving neither around the writer or anyone in particular.

ODers are a fascinating mix. There are some that subscribe strictly to one of those schools of thought. Others, such as myself, become floaters. (*winks* at Meg) It’s just too easy to start lessening the work of the mind in entries… the ranting and perspective can slip so easily into “guys guys guys my day my day my day school school band band band band band band band band guys guys”. And I hate my diary when it becomes nothing but that. This is my soul. And yes, I do have those days where I NEED that type of entry. But there is so much more to say. So much beyond filler.

I refuse to discuss much of my relationship with my boyfriend for reasons I have previously stated. I’m beginning to see the dullness in writing about my every move of life… it bores me to write what’s not so incredibly important. I am then left to that third type of diary. The diary where I simply WRITE. For writing’s sake? Perhaps. For creativity? For clarity of thought on society? Yes. Don’t misunderstand, this diary will transform to whatever I need it to be at the moment. But less shall be written, indeed. Less words, less entries… more good words, neccessary words, thoughts per entry, but less. You will still know me, and I will still know myself. Perhaps better… perhaps this digging into my soul will reveal what a case study in my actions will not.

As we have all been at one point, I’m being

~swept away in a new light~



Log in to write a note

Just with the existance of this entry, you prove yourself wrong. No matter how long and numerous and boring your entries are, you’ll always have those entries that are true feeling. That’s what makes you what you are. You have the entries about your day so that you know what your life was like, because if it’s all feelings, you’ll have no context.

And if all you have is context, you’ll interpret it however your mindset happpens to dictate at the time period in which you read it. So you have to strike a balance. You have to know what you’re doing, and you have to know what you thought about it then, so you can compare it to what you thing 10 years from now. And if your boyfriend is something that makes up a large part of your life…

Then that’s definetly something you should write about. Write what’s going on, and what you think of it. It doesn’t have to be interesting to anyone else, because believe me, you’ll be very interested ten years from now. Anyway, as a faithful reader and brother, I felt I had to put in my three cents’ worth. 🙂

Yeah writing about every movement in your life is dull! My gosh no wonder you have so many entries. You should be like me and only write when something actually does happen, not because your bored. Anyways, I’ll talk to you later. Hey! This is my first note on your diary! Cotton