Slobber? Um, no thanks. purrrfection.

Is anyone else extremely annoyed and agitated at the teeny-bopper spelling school? No offense to you if you write like this… but it really really bugs me. Your is spelled your… You’re is spelled you’re… none of this ur crap. Night is spelled night, not nite. Later is later, not l8ter. Not too much is not too much, not n2m. At least abbreviate it ntm, people. Goodness. I’m quite guilty of using abbreviations online… it makes it more efficient to speak. But there is a line. gtg, ttyl, brb, lol… those save time… and they make sense. But none of this n2mh, u? crap. Bah to that! Oh, and what is with the entire “thanx” thing? Is it that much more difficult to just say, hey thanks? That’s not really abbreviating… that’s just being stupid. And we wonder why young adults of today can’t spell or write. Hmm…


So Meg’s parents hate me. Her dad thinks I talk of nothing but boys, and her mom is disturbed by the fact that I say “I hate people”. 🙁 Most unfortunate. Ok, you all know as well as I do that I do in fact talk about boys. But obviously, this is not ALL I talk about! So sad… so sad. And yes, I do “hate people”… but not really. It’s just an expression to put a little irony and a somewhat different perspective on life. A person does something stupid… well this is why I hate people. It’s more of a joke than anyone else, even if it is true that some of the time I strongly dislike people. (Ahh, I love my cat… she strongly dislikes people too… What’s the deal with dogs? This ‘man’s best friend’ crap? *shakes head* That just shows their lack of brain power, I tell you!)

Please raise your hand if I just offended you. (this should be fun) Yeah, I know most of you have dogs. Let me see… Aims, Kim, Meg, Matt… I know that at least those four own a dog. (In Kim’s case two.) Who else? Well, I’m a cat person, what can I say? So much purrr-sonality to be had. *grins* Plus they don’t slobber all over your hand. And they don’t smell. I love self-cleaning things. (Alright, so my cat drools when she purrs.. but unless you know her well enough for her to purr on you – and you don’t unless you’re in my immediate family – then you’ll never experience that yuckiness. Whereas dogs… blah… they just lick anything. *gross*) I am happy to say that Aimee’s dog has never once attempted to lick me. I think Midnight’s my favorite.

And well, yes Matthew, I’m not a bitch, even though I’m a bitch. Do you understand? I’m a stuck up bitch when I’m disagreeing with something or trying to prevent something from happening. However, to just say “yup” to never wanting to see him again… I just can’t do it. I’m so retarded. And I can be a bitch on the football field. WOW am I bitchy in marching band. By the end of the season everyone hates me, hehe. But in the way of saying specific mean things to specific people… I’m horrible at it. I’m getting better at doing it to Andrew, but that’s about it. SOMEONE has to protect Aims from that boy…

Mom (Mr. H) told us we need help. The saxy saxes were walking by, singing our version of “Hoorah for ******”, when he looks at us and says, “You need help”. AHH! MOMMY! We don’t need help… we’re just overly enthusiastic. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Not at all. We are the life of the band, baby. We know what’s up. We know what’s 8 to 5. It’s all good in the squads.

At that, I’m being

~swept away in non-teeny-bopper-ness~



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ok, 1. i HATE abbreviations. they really really REALLY piss me off, like beaucoup. i mean, if it saves time to switch languages, thats ok too…like using “et” instead of “and”, you save ONE WHOLE LETTER!!!! and its still makes perfect sense! 2. dogs? thats supposed to offent me? *yech* down with anything under 3 feet tall. except for midgits. cuz (which is an ok abreviation) vern troy

verne troyer (they cut off the “er”) is totally awesome. 3. ANDREW IS GROSS. and finally, 4. I DO need help!!! mom was right. i even wrote it on the board. i wrote “i need help, love saxy sax #4.” CUZ im good like that. word. well, gotta jet. later.

hi! i don’t know many of those abbreviations either. they suck. lazy people anyway..hehe..

try to say “I hate people and I would like to cut their heads off” with a twisted smile on your face. And then, stare at her. 🙂

June 25, 2001

I am gonna try to catch up with all your entries I missed…this will be quite a job.

People that can’t spell as soon as they’re online bug the hell out of me. When someone goes “n2mh,u?” you know they spend wayyyy too much damn time on the net. And I DO hate people, in general that is. There are always exceptions. *hugs*

June 26, 2001

my parents love you!! just.. surprise! And by the way, Hawaii is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i sw a sea turtle!! Awwww. oh and “slaps hand three times” is so true. and stories. and remember that whole better than prom dte older person thing? so true,

Ahh the notage! I just thought I should leave a note to inform you of my progress. Sorry I don’t have any opinions about your subjects.. I’m not in band, and I don’t really go for guys 🙂 But I still love you.