school reform issues
I’m in a very take action petition everything let’s reform the school type of mood. Would you care to hear my first few issues that I would love to tackle?? Sure you would!!
issue 1) installing smoke detectors in every freaking bathroom so the security guards can’t just act like they don’t notice the kids smoking in there while they’re talking to them
issue 2 – writing to Ford Motor Company in protest of their most recent advertisement. most offensive
they SLAMMED You’ve Got Mail
issue 3 – get the locks fixed in the music wing bathrooms. I mean, no one smokes in THAT one – the least they could do is give us locks on the stalls
issue 4 – fight the school’s new action which is going to attempt to force us to own specific organizer/calender things.
issue 5 – um, DEAL with the ID tag issue in a better fashion… find some sort of system where they’re not going to break every five seconds
issue 6 – new practice field for the marching band. either that or level the one we’ve got so that there aren’t huge ditches in the middle of the danged thing. oh, and make sure lines are actually 1)straight and 2)painted at least once every two weeks as opposed to twice a season so that by the end we don’t even know where the 50 yard line is
issue 7 – abolish cheerleading, which is NOT a sport
issue 8 – reform the graduation process. split into 2 days of graduation, and re-establish the recognition of different honors during ceremony
issue 9 – abolish mrs. stuckey.
Right, so most of these are just jokingly, but some of them are actually quite serious. I just need to organize the thoughts a little more clearly. Shall I try again? (Oh, and that Ford commercial? Not worth my effort to protest, though I did find it very very insulting.)
Issue 1: Whereas the bathrooms of the high school are constantly filled with smoke; whereas anyone, upon entering a bathroom, is stained by the stench of smoke; whereas security guards do absolutely no good in the prevention of smoking or the enforcement of non-smoking, be it resolved that smoke detectors be installed in every bathroom to further hinder the use of cigarettes.
Issue 2: Whereas the music wing bathrooms are the only smoke-free school bathrooms; whereas the privacy of all students should be maintained; whereas the locks on both of the stalls within the music wing women’s bathroom have been broken for over 4 years, be it resolvedthat the school install new, working locks on the stall doors.
Issue 3: Whereas students of a high school age should learn independence; whereas high school students should learn to be self-sufficient and organized of their own accord and nature; whereas a rule requiring organizers would be both ineffective as well as a waste of money, be it resolved that no organizers shall be required within the high school.
Issue 4: Whereas the practice field of the Fighting Cardinal Marching Band is in a pitiful state with many ditches; whereas yard lines are scarcely seen by the end of a month’s practice; whereas the FCMB has working extremely hard in the 2000 season; whereas the FCMB received a 1 at district competition; whereas the FCMB received a 2 at state competition, be it resolved that the FCMB’s field to be leveled, and be it further resolved that yard lines will be painted every month.
Issue 5: Whereas the graduation classes of the high school are extremely large; whereas graduation takes an exceedingly lengthy amount of time; whereas students and parents must be shipped to another city in order to hold graduation ceremonies; whereas recognition of honors have been removed from the process due to time constraints, be it resolved that graduation should be split into a two day event held within the Fine Arts Center, and be it further resolved that honors shall be recognized.
Have I made myself quite clear?
I’m being
~swept away in reform~
I like number one. I hate the smell of the bathrooms in our school. It always wafts out into the halls and my locker is right outside the bathroom. Good Ole bumer 415!
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i agree!!! where do i sign? ~*~me~*~
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