saltines and sprite
Is it spring yet? Can we please be done with the snow and cold and wind (hasn’t it been oddly windy lately? First in NYC last week when I was trying to fly home and now here too…) and just move on to spring? I want blue skies and blooming trees and green grass…
My mom used to have “spring sprites” at school. The student council at one of her JHSs paired up members with the teachers. Brian O had my mom one year. He gave her a slinky and a can of sprite. Anyway, the word sprite just seems springy to me. Pixies and fairies and sprites… sigh.
“I can make you thin…” Oh really? Well then let’s try it out. I’m eating whatever I want (I really like that rule), but the eating consciously thing is really screwing with my head, as well as the “eat when you’re hungry” rule. Now all day I sit around wondering if I’m hungry or if I’m full and if I just think I want another cheese cube or my stomach really needs another cheese cube. “Am I hungry? Who’s hungry???” At any rate, I’m trying. But when you’re at lunch with people from work it’s hard to chew 20 times per bite (roughly translating to 15-20 seconds) without seeming like a friggin maniac. Plus it takes longer, so then I feel like even if I am still hungry I don’t have time to have any more without making everyone else late.
But I am trying…
So I’m at work right now. I’m having a really difficult time filling my days and staying focused this rotation. Still in ramp-up mode, so the majority of what I’m working on is… well, learning. I’m finding documents and reading them and trying to understand how exactly we do what we do over here in IT for engineering. Some of it is interesting, but I can only read through so much at a time before going nutso. I’m surprised I made it this far in the day with relatively few lapses.
Yesterday was the worst, I could not think about anything other than personality types. I think I became obsessed. I kept researching mine once I finally figured out what I was – INFJ in case you’re curious. What’s this? You want to know more about what makes indecision tick? Well OK… here are some of my favorite excerpts from one of the many INFJ descriptions online. Those of you who know me IRL may chuckle.
“Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.”
“They know things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. They are usually right, and they usually know it.”
“This is something of a conflict between the inner and outer worlds, and may result in the INFJ not being as organized as other Judging types tend to be. Or we may see some signs of disarray in an otherwise orderly tendency, such as a consistently messy desk.”
“Because the INFJ has such strong intuitive capabilities, they trust their own instincts above all else. This may result in an INFJ stubborness and tendency to ignore other people’s opinions. They believe that they’re right.”
So basically, I’m very rare, I’m stubborn, I think I’m always right and it’s usually because I am always right. Tell me something I didn’t know… Oh, and I’m messy despite my need for order. Seriously, this makes so much sense it kind of blows my mind.
One last quote:
“They are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people”
Now, I would never mistake myself for an extrovert, but other friends of mine have. And I am absolutely fascinated by people, but I also dislike a large proportion of them, which makes my INFJ-ness a little awkward, apparently. I guess my kind are the people who are supposed to save the world and whatnot. Mother Teresa was an INFJ. I am no Mother Teresa. (And Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Chaucer, Billy Crystal, Jerry Seinfeld… all the greats.) Wait what?!??! Is it really possible to have Nelson Mandela, Chaucer, and Jerry Seinfeld all in the same personality type??
I was about to complain that Jason is trying to get me to join week in review and then Meg just asked me the same thing. Ahh I don’t even get newspapers! I listen to NPR, but that’s as close to the news as I get… although I suppose it would force me to read the news, wouldn’t it.
Alright, indecision, back to work!
I LOVED doing Spring Sprites!
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I think I’ve taken that test before and gotten INFJ, but I’m not sure. Sometimes when I feel like I’m overeating, I don’t ask myself whether or not I’m hungry, but how important it is that I have one more cheese cube. If I’m really like stressing about it, like I WANT that cheese cube, it’s no question, but if I can live without it, I’ll leave it. Maybe this will help you.
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heyy… week in review doesn’t require reading of newspapers… just a lil 20 minute prep work before you go :0) (although i do read magazines & listen to radio..) it is quite fun. period.
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