not that great a day
This morning I got up a little late and made my mom 10 minutes late to her rehearsal at the high school. So on the way there she’s totally speeding and yelling at me to try and help her a little more – like I haven’t been at her every beck and call last week when she’s been so sick. So I walk into the fricking school crying – oh isn’t that a way to start the day at 7 am. And the horrible thing is, I was only late cause I was tired, and I was only tired because my mom wouldn’t get off the computer for me to finish my paper in time. (please ignore the whole procrastination part – cause I was working on it before and after she used the comp.)
So anyway, before gym I was really getting pumped because we were going to be playing “wallyball” which basically is volleyball with the addition that the walls can be played off of. So we get up there, and only half of my team is there. It was just “BOB” and me. That boy is so horrible. He verbally abuses me so much and tells me I suck and that I do not try at all. WHATEVER. First of all, normally I’m the person who scores the most points with my stupid underhand serve, and second of all, I may suck – but I try! So anyway, the other team was killing us cause it had 4 people, and he was getting all upset and yelling and swearing… to which I just yell back after awhile. So then all of the girls playing just sat out. The guys were just kicking the ball around then, which is definately not what was supposed to be happening. So it all really ticked me off.
I had a biology test in the morning which I most likely didn’t get an A on, I had to suffer through German again – I have an insane teacher! – then I finished the day with an algebra II quiz which I had no clue how to do. And I’m tired. And we have a 2 hour rehearsal tonight for wind ensemble.
So while it definately could have been a worse day, it just wasn’t the greatest. I even knew that when I woke up. I just wasn’t feeling right. Not sick or anything physical – just not right.
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