masturbation: a favorite topic among my friends
I really need to learn to censor myself. Take, for example, the following conversation with my good friend Adam, who also happens to be a co-worker. Note, the conversation is about the ridiculous quiz I took yesterday:
Adam: What’s with all the questions about masturbation
Adam: jeeze
Me: i know
Me: should’ve taken the quiz 5 years ago
See you’re really not supposed to say things like that to co-workers, even if you are close friends. Sigh. I really have a hard time drawing that line. That “yeah we’re friends but just as co-workers” and that “yeah we’re friends who just happen to be co-workers.” I mean technically we met through work, but we don’t actually WORK together on much of anything. Same goes for Jeff, Jon, and Bryan. It’s a fine line.
But really, I should’ve taken that quiz 5 years ago. Did you know that 6% of women recall masturbating before the age of 6? You probably didn’t know that. Makes me feel better about myself; for awhile there I thought I was a freak. Fact courtesy of Drew, knower of all things sexual (and if he doesn’t know damnit he has reference books). Drew is not a co-worker. We’re clear there.
This is probably changing, but my guess is not a lot of women openly talk about masturbation. I find it extremely interesting, considering a lot of men talk of nothing else. I find it equally interesting that men generally speaking really underestimate the degree and frequency to which women masturbate. They seem to occassionally also judge ones masturbatory preferences based upon personality traits – like a shy person wouldn’t masturbate as much. This is untrue. Does a teenage boy masturbate less because he is shy and not popular? I would argue he probably masturbates a bit more if there’s any difference.
You know I gave up being “ladylike” a long time ago. I’m not sure that it was ever necessarily one of my goals, but it’s certainly not attainable at this point in my life. I have mostly male friends, and I prefer that they’re as open with me as with each other. I don’t like when people mince words or don’t tell specific stories just because I’m around. Chances are I’m probably going to find it funny unless it’s somehow degrading to women as a whole. If it’s a specific woman and I happen to know said person I’ll probably think it’s funny if it’s true.
Two bizarre entries in a row. Wow I’m on a roll.
(indecision) i feel like a late bloomer-i was at least 9 or 10… 🙂 and really, ladylike is so boring most of the time…
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I always thought girls did it more frequently… But I hear you on defining the line. For me it depends on my co-workers. I have some that I tell everything to, others are just like whatever.
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RYN: Not at all, actually it is kind of a turn on.
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It’s hard to find a girl who is willing to talk about such topics, so the majority of my close friends also happen to be guys… yay for men!!! Masturbation, nothing wrong with that… just saying the word gives me goosebumps…::blink-blink::
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random noter: in my last job, i had friends who were really friends, and even a boss who was really a friend, and then “friends” that i completely misjudged who ended up stabbing me in the back. it’s so hard to know, but since most of us are at work at least one third of every day, work is generally the most convenient way to make friends.
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Wow, I missed this one yesterday. LOL! Ok, speaking as a guy, I’m probably abnormal, but I don’t spend a lot of time talking about masterbating. Not that I’m shy about it or have issues with others discussing it, and I do on occassion talk about it. But I hear a lot of guys talk about it constantly. It was never that interesting to me. (c.)
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(c.) It’s a normal function that a lot of people engage in. However, I’m also not the type to “kiss and tell,” I tend to not talk about relations I’ve had involving others, either. Then again, I’m sort of secretive and territorial. LOL!
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