I lost some of my buddy list!

Stupid stupid stupid! Somehow AIM managed to lose my freaking buddy list. I have one saved from a month or so ago, so I didn’t lose everything (like my mom did), but I lost a few OD screen names. Lindsey – lost yours. WhiteMike – lost yours. Gromit – lost yours. SOOOOO either IM me or leave me a note! NOW! Lol.

Ahh… I can’t believe I lost my *evil twin*’s screen name! The shame of it all.

So not only did that happen, but now, despite the fact I’ve loaded my buddy list, I can’t see if anyone’s on! No clue why. All I know is I’m apparently not logged on, even though I am, and Aims is not logged on, even though I’m talking to her. Right. Oh, but I guess I’m not anymore, cause she just logged off. Even though it never told me she logged off. GRRR.

So, what to say about Ronny? Ok, I don’t honestly know what I meant, Aims. Believe me I know that he doesn’t know what flirting is and that he’s just LIKE THAT. He’s just been acting strange. I mean, he probably and hopefully just wants to be friends, he’s just been… acting weird. Like if we have extra time in math he’ll come over and sit by me to talk, which in itself is just a friendly gesture. Or during class he looks sort of back and over to me a lot, which again is probably just to keep himself awake. Then today while you (Aims), Kim, Ronny, and I were walking towards our cars, Ronny walk around you and Kim to come talk to me about falling asleep in math? I was like… yeah so what else is new. It just seemed kind of… strange… to me.

I’m probably making it all up in my head. Most likely. And just for the record, I do not like him. He is totally not my type, and I’m still cheering for you and Ronny to hook up. (You being Aims… just bear with me all you other readers.) So who knows.

Did you know that Daniel Tompkins was vice president under James Monroe from 1817-1825? Yeah neither did I… go online studying! YEAH!

~swept away~



Log in to write a note

I’m sorry you lost your buddy list! That’s happened to me before but luckily I had written everything down on an index card. I never knew about saving your list hehe 😛 If you wanna talk sometime my AIM sn is Kialah 😛


no, actually i didnt know that! thanks for enlightening me. and the whole ron thing…*sigh*…he needs to get with the program.~me