Happy Halloween?

Err… trick or treat? Uhh… your costume is adorable? SCREW ALL OF YOU! YOU ALL MAKE ME SICK!

So I realized how trick-or-treating really teaches everything in society which I find utterly deplorable. Rudeness, pushiness, accepting candy from strangers?, PLUS we’re basically saying… hey go threaten anyone at their home, and they’ll give you whatever it is you want. Now there’s a great message. Don’t get me wrong, I used to be one of those little people just like the rest of them. I used to be a Native American and a 50’s girl and a cat and a witch and all that fun stuff… but I’m pretty sure I was never as rude as half of these little nothings. It just doesn’t seem like the right thing to teach your kids.

I guess some kindergarten kids from a nearby elementary school were on a morning show this morning… all dressed up and whatnot. My mom told me this, because she teaches orchestra there, and I just… found myself boil over into cynicism. Why is that? I mean, really there was nothing wrong with showing little dressed up kids on the news. It could be called adorable. But instead I became positively pessimistic and incredulous at the mention of such a thing. BAH to halloween, I tell you!

I’m going to a halloween party at 8.

Seriously though, this is the first year I haven’t dressed up at all. Granted, I stopped trick-or-treating a few years back, but at least I’ve been something to hand out candy the past two or so years. I was a witch one year, sitting on my porch sitting completely still… really dim lights… and then the little kids would approach. I would every so s-l-o-w-l-y look to my right, staring. They’d get a little closer… “Is that a person?” they’d ask in alarm. Then I stretch out my clawed hand to the kid with a piece of candy. My was that fun. Torturing little people. They deserve every bit of it.

Then last year I just wore some purple fishnet hose, mismatching skirt and top, and some purple hair. Entertaining, anyway. This year, yesterday, to be exact, I said “Mom what should I be?” I proceeded to sit there thinking and brainstorming for 15 minutes, my mom helping. And then somehow I drifted to sleep for about an hour due to utter exhaustion. So basically I’m nothing this year. Although I must say I do like my $5 pumpkin old navy t-shirt.

My sister was always one of those really creative dress-up people. She was rather obsessive when she was little and had the most extravagent costumes. One year she was Snow White, another the Blue Fairy, and another year she was a bride. Then there were the obligatory Native American and 50’s girl years (we matched for a few years in there), as well as a little house on the prarie type of deal. One year she wanted to be the firebird. As in… the ballet. Who’s heard of the firebird? Like no one… and I believe she was in 5th or 6th grade then. That took some imagination and sewing on my mom’s part to come up with that. In junior high she was a Christmas doll? What, exactly, is a Christmas doll? Hmm I dunno. But I will tell you that my mom always sewed our costumes… we never bought them.

I remember being a black and white cat one year (now that was a cool costume). I also remember the native american and 50’s girl years… but of course. Other than that I really have no clue what I did every year. I was less creative. In fact, I’m relatively positive that I wore my Native American costume at least twice, and my sister’s costume once after that. And I know I was a 50’s girl in 4th and 5th grade… other than that who knows.

Who cares? Bah to Halloween.

I remember always getting gyped out of the coolest costumes because it was snowing or raining or something. This required my over-protective mother to layer us in sweatshirts and sweatpants beneath (or over top of) the costumes. Now how much fun is that? None whatsoever. I’m sorry, but one cannot be a proper Native American (ok, you know I’m PC already… can I just use Indian… PLEASE?) wearing a sweatshirt and red stretch pants under it. Are you seeing how that defeats the purpose of their clothing? Not to mention just having the first snow on Halloween was miserable. Now I’m pretty sure it’s like 60 degrees out there. What is that? Just give this generation great weather. See if I care!

I love getting to be something I’m not. We should do it more often.

The people in my school have mastered the art of having Halloween everyday. When they come in with their hair weird, black clothes, and makeup on, you just stand there asking yourself if the makeup’s new. Because everyone pretty much looks like that anyway. *whatever*

We’ve gotten fewer kids to come to our house since I was that witch. Shucks darn. But I do think it’s rather humorous, though probably just coincidental.

It occurs to me that I should probably do calculus. It also occurs to me that that would require blocking out all noise and finding a source of light. Light is not in keeping with the Halloween spirit. I’d just like to point out that Halloween still should be bah’d, though it’s perfectly acceptable for several reasons. 1) Screw the homework. 2) Chance to stay up late and get sugar high on a school night. 3) Well why not? And then of course you ask me “why”… I bah all of you as well.

Have a happy Halloween, as I’m being

~swept away by my black cat~



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-looks at his candy- -looks at you- -glares- -hug-

November 2, 2001

i happen to love halloween, erin.

Your such a grouch, lighten up!